My 11 1/2 month old LO has either gone on strike or is very picky. It is still frustrating sometimes especially since lately it seems worse. Some say it's because she gets a bottle in the middle of the night. She isn't doing this every night now. Although I know not consistent. For example she slept from 7:30pm until 6am this morning. Was starved for a bottle so I gave her an 8 oz bottle at around 6:15am. Now I do the food(s) before bottles except the first one usually. So I tried feeding her at 8am and than again at 9/9:15am. She's going to be going down for a nap around 10am and I'll have to give her the 2nd bottle. She will hopefully sleep for a good hr 1/2 to 2 hours and won't be able to wait from 6:15am until 12 for her 2nd bottle. Plus it will probably turn into her not going to sleep and eventually crying in her crib for that 2nd bottle. It's like a viscous cycle. Although I have had some luck with scrambled eggs this week, this morning I tried pineapple, mandarin orange pieces, and cheerios. I have to admit, some of it was new as I was out of some stuff I regularly give her. She had some cheerios. I also tried some baby cereal/cinnamon mixture she had "some" last week MANY times today. I wasn't forcing it, but let's just say I had to coax a little just to get a measly few spoonsfuls in. I sat her on my lap, tried while she was sitting on the floor as well as her booster seat. I gave her a banana to try. Finally I gave her some pieces of some pita bread, which she finally actually looked like she was eating and enjoying. Stuck a bunch of pieces in her mouth "lol". Even when she is eating well and we are having our "good" days, her grandparents don't think she eats like she should be. It makes it seem like it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get her off bottles. She loves her bottles. She has 4 a day. Sometimes 5 if she has a bottle in the middle of the night. Anywhere from 5-8 oz each bottle. When she's not eating and than eventually cries and whines for a bottle I eventually have to give in. I can't just sit her in her chair and try to force her to eat all day. I actually had a list of foods goign that she seems ok with. Lately, the list has gone wayyyy down. Some of you might know...she took a total absense of any kind of foods except bottles from 7 months of age until 9 1/2 months of age. It's just so frustrating sometimes. I really try all different things, different times, before bottles, after bottles ect. ect.