This is partly a request for advice/support, partly just a bit of a moan...
Callum is 21 months, and has never been a great sleeper. He falls asleep holding my hand, and usually wakes a couple of times a night. The nightwakings are really not a big issue for me, usually I go in and give him my hand to hold or just sit by the cot for a few minutes and he goes back to sleep and I go back to bed. No big deal.
The falling asleep holding my hand isn't a problem either when it takes him 10 minutes or so to fall asleep. But the last couple of weeks it's been taking him closer to an hour to fall asleep. Usually he'll lie down ok when I turn the light out, but after a few minutes he gets up and starts talking to me. I keep responses minimal, and tell him that I'll stay while he lies down and goes to sleep, but if he wants to play I will go outside. If he stays standing I leave the room, he starts crying, and I go back in after waiting maybe 15 seconds or so. This process repeats for up to an hour or more, until he eventually falls asleep.
I guess the simple answer to this problem is to teach him to fall asleep on his own, so if it takes him an hour, I'm not stuck in there with him! I probably will do that in a couple of weeks, but don't want to start yet because the week after next I'm going to be out all day for the whole week, and he will be looked after by my mum - the first time I will have left him for such extended periods of time, although I will be home every night, probably by his dinner time. So I don't want to do any serious sleep training till after that week.
Any ideas as to why he's suddenly taking so long to fall asleep? He may be starting to get his 2 yr molars, I've used teething gel/calpol a couple of times, but it hasn't seemed to make much difference.
Our routine is:
7.30ish wake
8 breakfast
12 lunch
1 nap
2.15 wake
2.30/3 snack
6 dinner
6.45 bath then stories
7.30 lights out
8.30ish usually falls asleep
Yesterday he refused his nap altogether, and today I could only get him to nap by taking him for a drive...
TIA for any suggestions