I've decided to stop fighting it (the idea that she might be giving up her naps). Today was another battle & I got her out of the cot at 1pm & took her to my bed where I read books. She was laying there, snuggling up to me & it was such a beautiful moment. I haven't really done that before but put Jasmine to bed way earlier so that I could give Isabella a break rather than putting the tv on or just saying "ok this is your quiet time"... & giving her some books.
Ok so she is a total nightmare from 3-4pm but then we do dinner & a really really long bath (she loves her bath), potty & before I know it its nearly time for bed
. Today I put her down at 5:38pm & she was asleep by 5:45pm so I am going to do even earlier than 6pm cause she is woken up every morning by our neighbour (who goes to work super early - just before 6am)... so that the sleep debt doesn't carry over to the next day. I've decided to watch her more than plunk her in the cot at set times. If she is a total nut case by say 10-11am then I will try my hardest for a nap (even if that means I have to sleep with her). I am sure on those days she will zonk out herself (as she has a few times before).
I have to face reality - that is - she is growing & this was meant to happen some day. Its just that I didn't mentally prepare myself for this until she would be close to 3 & who knows.. maybe this is just a phase.... but I have to take each day as it comes rather than waking up in the morning & thinking "what if she doesn't nap today". My DH keeps telling me I should be grateful that she is sleeping at night as much as she is & that she has been a perfect sleeper all her life. I met a woman in the park today & her lo has just turned 2yo & she won't nap at all & she's up until 11pm every night (& crashes in the hallway) & starts her day at 5am. She won't sleep in her bed at all & will only sleep with her mum (who has a 6mo sleeping with her as well). The mum is totally exhausted & is at her teether. So I really
should be grateful!!!
At least now when there are posts of toddlers dropping naps I will write based on experience rather than hypothetically. All I have to do now is make the final transition - to a big girls bed... this one should be FUN!!!!
Thanks to everyone who posted back. I was in a panic at the start but I have to face the truth - I cannot MAKE her sleep & I would rather have her sit by my side than have her jump & scream in the cot for a whole hour. Plus I need to transition her sister to 1 nap (she's been desperately wanting this too) & I don't want all that screaming to wake Jasmine up....