Oh dear....clearly last night she was pretyt much asleep when I put her down. Today they real stuff started, what I remember wwith thomas!! I just want to cry though, with thomas it felt like such an accomplishment when he eventually went to sleep in his cot, this time I just feel so bad for lettign her cry for 1 hr and she was just beside herself.
Ok so she had her bottle, I put her down she lay quietly for a bit then started fussing which turned into crying, I stood up PD and told her to go to sleep, she cried unimpressed then I just kept repeating shhh go to sleep whislt standing over the cot and she got more and more mad thorwing her pacis at me.
After 1 hr (i really didn't want to PU as i dreaded the pd part!) i just sat back and let her cry for about 5 mins (actually i think it felt that long to me but it wasn't) then stood up replugged layed her down and kept my ahdn on her back.....
Why does this not feel like an acheivement??? I feel as though she has passed out angry and upset with me and now when she wakes and is not in the same room as me she's going to feel abandoned....
DD is so attached to me, I thought this whole training would help that too but now I wonder whether it'll just make it worse, whether she's going to feel so let down y me?
arrgh someone tell me after a few days she'll forget I used to rock her to sleep and she'll be ok with this!!!
In all honesty I am happy to be staying in the room with her for a while, as the AP was so engrained I think it woul dbe harsh to do wi<wo
Opinions? feedback?