I had a couple thoughts, no idea if they would be useful but here goes. First, my gal is 18 mths and only takes 75 min naps. I have tried earlier and later nap times and never get any results, we rarely get a 2 hr one. I am assuming that she is getting enough since she is active and happy all day, she is also happy when she wakes up. So your lo may just be a short napper who can't quite fill the schedule with EW.
Second, with the EW, have you tried not going in at all? That is the only thing that I can think of that we did/do. We just don't get her until we think its the right time. This does two things, it makes her know on some level that it is not time to get up and it resets her hunger alarm so that she is not used to eating till the designated time. Now, she doesn't cry or we probably wouldn't do this so I don't know if that will help. She used to kind of talk/play and now she just sleeps. Last week with the time change, we did this and after a few days of being in there for almost an hour, she just started sleeper later. I don't know if we are just lucky or if it was what we did.
The only other thing I could think was to be sure you have her room dark (hers is like a cae, lol!), white noise, and make sure the house is quiet till the wakeup time. HTH!