Things have taken a turn for the worse in the last few days. Saturday night he was awake doing his thing but acting out everything he'd done in the day. That involved pretending to fall over (that's his new thing!!) over and over obviously in his bed, I'm now getting concerned that he is going to hurt himself. Last night when I sat him on my lap to give him meds (got canines coming which certainly aren't helping) he carried on all his weirdness on my lap, then as usual promptly asks to go back to bed. It's not as if he wants me there.
I'm convinced the more OT he gets the worse it becomes but I can't get him to sleep any longer and he is in such a mess now. One longer nap will help for one night and then it starts again, or if he has 2 long naps in a row he has a crib party! I can't believe that he can be SO touchy a sleeper.
I feel completely lost and shattered.
I feel completely fed up with the medical system in this country. I was told many times when DS was small that there was nothing wrong with him - and lo and behold, mum knows best! I just want someone to actually listen and try and find out why he can't get back to sleep at some points in the night but is fine at others.
Sorry to rant, I do also welcome any routine suggestions if you think they may help!