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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2010, 12:27:25 pm »
We still BF 3-4x a day. Was aiming 2 but DS is quite insistant.

K always feeds better in a dark room when tired so straight after naps is always good. He can do 1min only if in a light room which is more interesting.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #76 on: August 10, 2010, 19:25:33 pm »
Its really hard to continue when they are not the cuddly/insistant type - BTDT twice LOL!

We kept the am and pm for a long long time ONLY with Oscar, from around 12 mths he was ONLY doing this (this is all they NEED at this stage anyway, nutritionally, but some LOs need a lot more emotionally). I took fenugreek when coming up to AF (mine came back at 10 mths with Oz when we dropped the DF and at 13 mths with Emma) and kept my water intake good and supply didn't seem to suffer. Dropped to one feed at 14 mths as he was sleeping so so well (it was June and we were moving him gradually to a summertime 9-9 schedule as I don't work July and Aug and it meant not waking him for his 7am feed while I was still in school). And then he slowly but surely self 16 mths he said enough is enough and

With Emma, we dropped to 2 feeds around 12 mths as well and she started refusing the am feed around 16 mths and then finally started fussing with the pm feed a month or so later. I continued to bf her in her sleep around an hour after she fell asleep (a DF for self-weaners LOL) just to get to the 18 mth mark.

I really wanted to get to 20 with Emma....but didn't....and it felt silly DFing her in a way, when she didn't "need" it emotionally or nutritionally.....but when it was just for me and a silly record/date thing in my head!

Best of luck x

Siobhain x

ps. I intro'd cows milk with both of mine once they were no longer taking the am feed (they had been having cows milk on their cereal already since 12 mths).

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

Offline SylvieA

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #77 on: August 11, 2010, 13:27:49 pm »
Marian, time flies. 1yr already. Zoe turns 2 tomorrow. As for cow's milk, both kids here never really liked it. I always give Zoe a bit before bed, she'll take one drink, then wants to nurse instead. She's even come to me with a sippy of milk in hand and demand to bf instead, so I guess it depends on the child. Zoe really loves mommy's milk better, and not sure she'll ever wean now  ::) Funny thing is she'll ask for "lait" (milk) and taps my breast, she'll drains it then asks for the other. She's so greedy that one side is not enough. And welcome to the extended BF thread  ;D
Miguel-November 2005
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #78 on: August 11, 2010, 15:05:08 pm »
Siobhain, I think that's so sweet that you were bfing her in her sleep just to go longer! I wish I could bf Graydon while he slept, but he wakes immediately if I move him. He just doesn't like that feed before bed too much! I may try to give him dinner earlier to see if it helps.

Sylvie, wow I can't believe Zoe is turning 2 already!! The time goes too fast. I may do the milk very slow with Graydon, maybe starting with a sippy at the end of his meal, adding sippy to each meal over a week. But if I see he cuts back too much on the bfing I'll slow it down. I'm a tad concerned if his reflux is milk related. He does fine with cheese and yogurt but Milena did fine with those 2 items after 13 mths but not milk until later. You're lucky that she's still wanting to bf and take in so much!

I've read lots lately about moms not wanting to bf in public once los are past 6 months and especially if they are around a year old or more. It's funny how the attitude out there is "breast is best and you should bf a small baby BUT if you bf past the norm then hide the fact as it's not needed or normal". Personally, I don't care what other people think about me bfing him, I used to care more, but somehow I'm over it now. LOL, I remember a friend of mine that was bfing her 3 year old, she'd bf her at the drop of a hat, the slightest fuss from her dd and the boob would come out. One day we were walking up our street, back from the park and her dd wanted to be carried as she was tired. My friend instantly dropped to the ground, swooped her into her lap and started bfing her, right on someone's driveway ;D ;D. She did all sorts of APing and at 5 I still think the dd doesn't STTN. I gave her my BW book once but she obviously never opened a single page.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #79 on: August 11, 2010, 19:10:14 pm »
Funny how they're all so so different...

Emma now cuddles me and points to my breasts and says "mama milkies?" I say, yes that's where mama's milk was...and she says "yep, all gone milkies...and runs to the fridge and points...milkies!!!!".

Oscar had three milkies - mama mlelk (he still uses a word in between milk and the PL mleko LOL), shakey shakey milk (he still likes warm toddler formula, at least he did last winter LOL) and moo-cow milk.....bless them all!!!

So happy for you that you got to 2 and are still going Sylvie xxx

Good luck Marian x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #80 on: August 11, 2010, 23:10:47 pm »
DS is funny now when he wants "boobie" (might have to call it something else for when he can say it I think LOL), he pulls at my top and opens his mouth whilst leaning towards my chest as if he is going to sup it right through my bra. I can't help but laugh at him.
I know what you mean about not feeling so comfortable feeding in public once they get older (and DS is only 8mo!). It's such a shame. I was actually quite pleased the other day when we were in a cafe for lunch and DS was too distracted to accept his BF. He had a sandwich instead and had his BF later. We do 4 or 5 BF each day BTW.
I am finding it more difficult to wear clothes that allow discrete BFing now the warm weather is here. I nearly always have to pull my T-shirt up and expose my belly. Which is not lovely and flat especially when I'm sitting down. I just feel too exposed pulling the top down and having the breast out completely. It was much easier in the winter when I could do layers and pull one up and one down. Although I saw a lady at the mall the other day and she literally was wearing a small tent which she erected around her and the LO with canvas and poles so she could BF on a bench. Such a shame she felt the need to do that. I'm not that self conscious thankfully.   
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #81 on: August 12, 2010, 07:50:37 am »
she literally was wearing a small tent which she erected around her and the LO with canvas and poles so she could BF on a bench. Such a shame she felt the need to do that. I'm not that self conscious thankfully.   

I was not self-conscious at all but also did this with a big black sheet, particulary with Emma as she was such a distracted feeder from the get go and particularly from 3 mths. Oh how I dreaded going out with her. On a plane at 3 mths and then again at 6, 9 ,12, 15, I had to literally "dress" Emma and I in a black robe for her to get any sort of feed and then APOP off to sleep. I am so jealous of those of you whose LOs would feed anywhere, anytime...regardless of whats going on around them. Mine were never "in love" with my boobs/mummy's milk....rather just liked it to quench the hunger.

Would have loved one of those tents LOL!

S x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

Offline SylvieA

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #82 on: August 12, 2010, 16:14:33 pm »
I never used one of those tents or cover anywhere, was way to awkward with it. My LO didn't like to be covered. DS was a refluxer, so was no fun, especially in the beginning as I had an overactive letdown and he was also lazy so made to much mess and fussing. Zoe, after 6mo she was way to wiggly, but we still managed to feed in public but it had to be a nice quiet spot. Now she doesn't ask unless we're home, and never asked with a full house. Besides, if it's family, no one feels comfortable with a nursing toddler other than my mom and sister. My brother and dad, well they always left the room or it ws time to go home as soon as I said I had to feed, not sure why. Funny because my grandmother bf all her boys, and the last one was about 3 when he weaned, so it's not like my dad never seen it done before being one of the oldest.
Miguel-November 2005
Zoe-August 2008

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #83 on: August 12, 2010, 16:20:14 pm »
Hmm, maybe that was it Shivi, I never thought of the fact it could be for the LO to block out the world. Her LO was small though, like maybe 8wks or something.
DS certainly won't feed any-old-where now, not since about 3mo. He will have a short feed for which he pops on and off at every sound in a quiet corner of a restaurant or pub for example but not on a bench with people walking by. Well not without popping off to watch them all pass by each time anyway so it wouldn't be worth it.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #84 on: August 13, 2010, 01:32:45 am »
I couldn't imagine using a tent type thing to feed, Graydon would start laughing and stop feeding. He would think we were playing hide-n-seek. I think your middle area is less exposed than you think when you lift your shirt up, I have some pictures that dh took when dd was in the wading pool and I was in the back feeding Graydon and you can't see a thing! Their body covers your middle area so not much is really exposed. I could never do a pull down from the top to feed in public, I would feel way too much exposed that way!

I'll have to think of a word to teach Graydon for when he wants to bf. Now he just screams, grabs and tugs the neck of my shirt, and tries to latch on through my shirt. Must come up with a more subtle way for when we're out in public.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #85 on: August 13, 2010, 12:29:51 pm »
i just call it milk lol. i say Aniela would you like some milk? (when shes fussing and i know shes hungry) and she puts her head on my breast and gives it a cuddle like yes mama haha i love it

Offline waffler

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #86 on: August 14, 2010, 13:20:33 pm »
Hi ladies! glad to say i'm joining your club. My DD2 turned 1 end of July.

I came on to find out how many day feeds you were doing, but I've now read all posts and i can see it's varied, so i'll just do whatever feels right. At the mo it's a minimum of 3 feeds, sometimes 4. But i've noticed that when upset she wants to feed, think it's for comfort more than anything. I'm not going to deny her that.... she's just too lovely :)

I'll be introducing goats milk to her when i'm ready to give her alternative milk. I may add it to her porridge first.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #87 on: August 15, 2010, 00:24:43 am »
hi waffler! congrats! we will be there shortly!!

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #88 on: August 15, 2010, 00:29:52 am »
Hi waffler, I haven't "seen" you in a long time, I guess I've just missed you on the boards! Welcome to the thread! Just curious, is your dd allergic or sensitive to cow's milk? I'm curious as I'm nervous to try cow's milk with ds as my dd had a bad milk protein allergy and ds had bad reflux (which potentially could be related to milk).
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #89 on: August 15, 2010, 14:19:25 pm »
First time mom : dd1 had a Slight intolerance to cows milk so put her on goats. Dd2 had intolerance in the first few months of bf. So just to be sure I will put her on goats.
Dad/Husband : Matt
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