Author Topic: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.  (Read 13535 times)

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2010, 14:46:05 pm »
Eloise good luck with your weigh in, a healthy, happy baby is all that matters!

J weighed 15.1 this morning, only 6oz gain in two weeks, his lowest gain yet! But it keeps him on the 75th so they're not worried!

Yes Mukta Ranitidine is Zantac.

Back on the subject of poop. I've been really good and not eaten any dairy since Monday, even then it was a small amount! J has hardly pooped these last few days, when he does it's small, dark yellow, runny (but not watery) with some stickiness to it! It didn't smell yesterday but it's rather whiffy today, yum! I seem to spend my life smelling his bum!
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2010, 01:37:47 am »
Ha ha Marsha to smelling his bum!

Well C did her last poo on Monday then did two today, mucousy but I wouldn't expect anything else since she is on antiobiotics (the first one was fairly normal for her...not "normal" but the second one was mucous)....I am on a probiotic to try and help her, the pharmacist recommended it (and I had been intending to try one)...

Scary fact is I am taking 18 tablets a day now, 9 fenugreek, 6 blessed thistle, calcium, iodine, probiotic!  Crazy.  I hope this helps my little girl.

They are both still so sick :(

Hugs to all

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Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2010, 01:42:39 am »

Yay to the weigh in Mary!

hugs to the little ones Lizzie,  we have just come through colds - all us had them for 10 days, both our littile ones still snotty but in good spirits.   I hear ya on the tabs - I take 8 a day too and Kai at one point had to have meds x2 , eye drops x3 daily, probiotics once a day, and thickener and lactease before feeds, serioulsy it was something every 2 hours... ::)

Had the weigh in he's put on 90g -  :) Still in the 25th-30th percentile but  that's more than the 50g he's been averging this past few weeks and more than the 30g he put on last week. Also he had a dreadful cold all last week, so that's good news that he gained when sick.  He'll be weighed early next week when he gets his shots, so lets see what the other docs scales say - they weigh naked there, which is a bit more accurate.

We have also had two good poos, I am interested to see what happens when I take him off the lactease drops in a week or so.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2010, 02:24:26 am »
Yay to the weigh in Mary!
Just checking but do you mean me? If so my names Marsha,  :-*
I'm glad you've seen a gain, but strange that not everywhere weighs naked?

J has made up for the last few days and pooped, FOUR times! Oh gosh it whiffs, like sulphur, yuk! I've decided it's slimey more than mucous, I hope the smell eases soon, its quite pungent!

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2010, 03:00:06 am »
sorry Marsha  :o

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2010, 04:05:00 am »
No problems, I've been called a few things in my time!

Oh god I think this boy's having a post illness gs!
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Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2010, 04:33:54 am »
Ok so I'm back.  Before Caleigh had her chest infection she was doing poos every couple of days and I thought "eureka we've cracked it" but then she went on antibiotics and was pretty sick and it went to 9 DAYS before she did a poo....then she did another on the same day and they were both mucousy (second one worse than the first)...The info on the antibiotics said that it can cause diarrhoea (obviously that didn't happen) so I went on a dairy free probiotic to try and help....

Her naps are still ok (except in the lead up to poo day which is normal when she goes such a long time between them) but nights have regressed to waking pretty much 3 hourly, which she hasn't done since she was very little.  Her weight gain is still happening but slow.

I'm just wondering from all those MSPI mummies out there, have ANY of you got normal poos happening now from going off these things?  Does any one have mustard seeds and watery poos?

I've been off dairy for 3 weeks now and off soy for about 1.5 weeks and I have to say I'm feeling a little discouraged!  I am still eating things that "may contain traces as they are produced on equipment that processes dairy and soy" but I figure if she was THAT sensitive she wouldn't be the happy little mite that she is...

Guess I'm just wondering if anyone has had success, whether it's worth continuing or if I should seek some help from a doctor/nautropath/allergist?? 

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Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2010, 05:50:13 am »
Hey Lizzie,

after 8 weeks on the major ED we have just reached our baseline, (Kai is declared as settled as he will get) and now started food challenges.

I saw a paed allergist, she said if there is a small amount of mucus not to worry like 20 cent size as the body will produce mucus - we seem to have some about one day in every 7, and his reflux will be a little off - a few swallows here adn ther but not anything too unsettled.  She said to expect mucus on an acidy day (and all bubs have one off day a week anyway, even if not having reflux).  However if the mucus is any more than that and they are in pain/unsettled/sleeping poorly, then that would indicate irritation of the gut. The only way to know if it is food that is causing unsettledness (along with reflux or as theunderlying cause), is do the food challenges. Otherwise, if you eliminate foods and they get better, you are assuming it was the food. Sure, elimination alone is nearly as good as doing food challenges.   If there was any damage of the gut due to food intolerance, she said it can take more than 2 -3 weeks to heal, just dpeending on how irritatated the gut was sometimes up to 6-8 weeks.

So there is some food for thought!

I would book into a paediatric dietican or paed allergist if you can, they take a long time to get in, but I found them both sooo helpful and feel we are on the path to get hard evidence of exactly what this litte mite is intolerant to!

« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 10:01:27 am by EloysH »

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2010, 05:51:36 am »
just remember that you need to ingore their poos when on meds and when they are sick as the body will produce extra mucus to try and protect everything.

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2010, 09:31:56 am »
Hi Eloise, thanks for that sweetie! tbh I don't know if there even IS a paed allergist in Tassie (doubt it) and I'm not sure that she is bad enough to warrant it.  I just found out that canola spray has soy as the emulsifier, so there is one that's been getting through (you THINK you are being diligent, but things still surprise and irritate)...She didn't really have any more mucous than normal post sickness, but she didn't do a poo until she was pretty much better.

My main hope was that off the dairy (and soy) she would poo more frequently and thus reduce the huge build up to poo day, the massive amounts of gas, crappy sleeps and naps etc. I think if I have to do more than dairy and soy I'm going to need someone to tell me what to do, but will persist for a bit longer.

Just out of interest does anyone know if the reflux meds affect the appearance of the poos?

Will read your post again in a few minutes when I'm thinking clearer Eloise, so glad that you have finally found Ks baseline by the way, well done you! xx

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Offline Mrs Coops

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2010, 14:45:27 pm »
Lizzie this mustard seed thing is a mystery. I can't remember now if J ever had it! We should maybe start a poo debate and see just how many get it!

What exactly is 'normal'' poo? J's is very runny, dark yellow/ mustard colour, with some streaks of egg white mucous and still pungent! But he's generally a VERY happy little boy!
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2010, 05:55:36 am »
Hey Marsha,
we had mustard seeds in the very early days (I was pleased because I knew that meant I had good fat content in my milk) but since she had the lactose overload I have never seen them again.

I'm actually wondering if she is teething at the moment as her nights are very off and she is dribbling heaps more than normal and chewing on her hands lots (although I know they tend to do that when they find their fingers).  This morning was a shocker, I could hear the wind bubbling right down low (to the point I though she was going to have an upset tummy nappy) but then nothing happened except a lack of sleep...

Going to keep going with the MSPI diet, but am finding I'm going through a blahh stage with it atm, probably because I'm more tired and thought we were getting somewhere with poo frequency but now feel like we are back to square one.


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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2010, 07:17:06 am »
Going to keep going with the MSPI diet, but am finding I'm going through a blahh stage with it atm.
I am too! I wouldn't call them 'slip ups' but I've nibbled on some choccies and biscuits! My strength doesn't exist where sweets are concerned!

Oh J is the same, a total dribble monster and gnawing on my hands. His Sophie the giraffe is unpacked and ready to chew! S started at exactly the same time, weird!
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2010, 08:33:14 am »
hugs Lizzie, its really hard to deal with the set backs isn't it (just when you are trying so hard and making so sacrafices).    I really hope that the poos will clear up for you, surely they will with time.

 Remember it took us 8 weeks, but we  got to a really  good spot, you wouldn't even know he had reflux, good poos and happy and settled..... don't lose hope she WILL get there. Every day that goes by she is potentially wokring towards growing out of it too..xx

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2010, 23:54:37 pm »
Thanks ladies,
We will get there and she really is such a happy little thing, I know that when she is in pain it's pretty bad because her personality is so cruisy!!

How is Ks weight gain now Eloise, is he doing ok again now?  We are still slow here, but gradually increasing (think she is round the 10th percentile these days :( )  Hope things are going well.

LOL to your "slip ups" marsha, you can get dairy and soy free chocolate, which is pretty nice actually.  There is a lovley choc cupcake recipe on here too, extra tasty with thick icing xox YUM  The banana muffins are delish too actually!

I think I feel down about it because she had that moment where her poos were more frequent (still mucousy) and I thought we were getting somewhere, now the nagging fear that she isn't pooing frequently because she isn't getting enough is back :(  I wish I had bucket loads of extra fatty milk.  I wish some of the fat would come of my a** and go onto hers...

soldier on xx

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