Hey Lizzie,
after 8 weeks on the major ED we have just reached our baseline, (Kai is declared as settled as he will get) and now started food challenges.
I saw a paed allergist, she said if there is a small amount of mucus not to worry like 20 cent size as the body will produce mucus - we seem to have some about one day in every 7, and his reflux will be a little off - a few swallows here adn ther but not anything too unsettled. She said to expect mucus on an acidy day (and all bubs have one off day a week anyway, even if not having reflux). However if the mucus is any more than that and they are in pain/unsettled/sleeping poorly, then that would indicate irritation of the gut. The only way to know if it is food that is causing unsettledness (along with reflux or as theunderlying cause), is do the food challenges. Otherwise, if you eliminate foods and they get better, you are assuming it was the food. Sure, elimination alone is nearly as good as doing food challenges. If there was any damage of the gut due to food intolerance, she said it can take more than 2 -3 weeks to heal, just dpeending on how irritatated the gut was sometimes up to 6-8 weeks.
So there is some food for thought!
I would book into a paediatric dietican or paed allergist if you can, they take a long time to get in, but I found them both sooo helpful and feel we are on the path to get hard evidence of exactly what this litte mite is intolerant to!