Ohh thank you for those vibes sweetie, I have to say I have not had anything like the rough ride you have, but the symptoms do seem similar don't they?
Since I looked at the post of normal poos I'm not all that concerned about Cs as I can see that the range of "normal" is just huge, but all the wind just doesn't seem right! I have kind of reconciled to the fact that I am just going to have to deal with it for now and hope she grows out of it, but I must admit I had some stern words with her at about 5:45 this morning about sleeping at SOME point during the night!!!
Having said which if my tummy was that bloated I doubt I would be able to sleep either, poor little darling.
A tiny little poo this morning so hopefully more to come before the day is out and a better night tonight (hahaha)...I think it's frustrating because when all is ok she will take a couple of 2 hour naps, wake once for a feed over night and she is just a dream baby...a lovely, smiley, contented little thing...stupid wind!
Hugs to you also my dear friend and your gorgeous little M and J, you are often in my thoughts when I am up and struggling to settle C to sleep