Author Topic: Advice for naps  (Read 7868 times)

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #75 on: December 30, 2010, 17:43:33 pm »
Here we go again: morning nap was one hour and 25min b/c she rolled onto her back.  Second nap was 30min-she was wide awake talking to herself.

Offline AllyT

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #76 on: December 30, 2010, 20:02:23 pm »
So unpredictable, eh? Ours were getting pretty good, and now O's down with a cold again. I've managed to extend his naps today, but who knows what the night will bring.
Seems like you've got that morning A time and nap worked out though, or would you prefer it a little longer? 1h25 min is our 'good' nap. =)


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #77 on: December 31, 2010, 14:56:16 pm »
These los are so unpredictable!  :o  I will take anything over one hour for her naps. LOL.  She is still rolling and waking up and I have to AP her back to sleep. I hope this won't lead the destruction of independent sleep.

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #78 on: December 31, 2010, 17:33:04 pm »
I would say your safe. As long as she's still going off on her own when you first put her down, hopefully when she gets bored of rolling over she'll go back to sleeping longer. If she's doing over an hour it would seems she's still getting through the first transition on her own, so I wouldn't worry. I understand the APing back to sleep, I often end up resorting to that rather than having to sort out the rest of the day after a short nap.
Oops, there's my LO, be back later.


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #79 on: December 31, 2010, 18:18:37 pm »
oh boy! morning nap was 2hrs with a resettle. second nap was 30min. Here she woke happy and was chatting. ???

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #80 on: December 31, 2010, 19:53:44 pm »
I've had that too. If it's not a regular thing, I wouldn't worry about it. ie - L had a 30 min nap today and woke happy, he had pooped himself awake. Could be a dream, an itch, who knows. However, all babies are different. Maybe Alyssa has 30 min UT naps?


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2010, 20:16:38 pm »
I think so b/c she was chatting and smiling. Then of course I put her down 30min earlier for her next nap and she was chatting away until she began to fuss. Classic UT leading to OT.  I think after a good nap she may need a little extra A time, but I am scared to try b/c she seems to go down easy for naps.

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #82 on: January 01, 2011, 17:49:32 pm »
O is all over the map today. We went out last night to a wedding for new years and both kids slept at the inlaws... o was up every 45 mins according to MIL??? She said he couldn't settle? What does this mean. So this morning I put him down at 10 and he is still sleeping, 11:45. He hasn't eaten since 7:50, so if he isn't up by noon, I have to wake him... that would be 4 hours and I can't let him go longer than that? What do you guys think?
p.s. Happy new year!
Jacob, my little monkey - 03/19/2008
Owen, my gerber baby -  09/03/2010


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2011, 17:56:40 pm »
is he coming down with something?  I would let him sleep, but not past the four hour mark.  I would wake him up at 12pm-that is a two hour nap.

Madison, hubby both had the stomach flu and now Alyssa has some form of it. She is not eating and has very liquidy poops. IT NEVER ends!  :'(  I did manage to extend her morning nap.  I have noticed that when she in the middle of a sleep transition, she wiggles, tosses and turns, fusses, like she can't get comfy.  She will wedge her arms under her chest and stick her bum out.  Off to put her down for her second nap. A 2hrs and 10min.

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #84 on: January 01, 2011, 18:45:44 pm »
good luck about nap 2. I did wake him. I am pretty sure he was really tired from a crappy nightsleep. I just don't know how long to keep him up for now? Oh no about stomach flu, that is never fun... hopefully Alyssa doesn't get it.. cross your fingers!
Jacob, my little monkey - 03/19/2008
Owen, my gerber baby -  09/03/2010


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #85 on: January 02, 2011, 18:13:42 pm »
nap two went well.   :P

Hope everyone had a great New Year.  I was in bed at 9:30pm.

I am a little annoyed today. Morning nap was 1.5hours with the help of a pat on the bum.  Second nap was 35min. She woke up happy. I was going to do an A of 2hrs and 10min, but she was rubbing her eyes 1hr and 45min into her A time.   GRRRRRRR.........What makes me more upset is when I look at Madi's EASY at Alyssa's age, she was taking 2 good naps with no intervention.  I  think I need to throw that book away.  :P

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #86 on: January 03, 2011, 01:58:41 am »
I was in bed at 9:30pm.

Me too! I'm constantly exhausted these days, not only are we having trouble with naps, night time's a disaster as well. The holidays have only made things worse.

I've also had a few episodes of 30 minute naps lately, and I'm struggling to sort it out as DS2 is definitely showing tired signs (yawns, snuggling) and going straight off to sleep as soon as I put him in his crib, but like your LO, he's waking happy after these very short naps. Unlike his 45 min naps, he really fights me trying to resettle him after these as well.

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #87 on: January 03, 2011, 02:33:06 am »
boo to naps! I totally hear you about looking at DS1. At this age, Jake was having 2 hour naps no problem and did wake up at night like owen does ALL THE TIME! (like right now... boo)
Jacob, my little monkey - 03/19/2008
Owen, my gerber baby -  09/03/2010


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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #88 on: January 03, 2011, 19:16:56 pm »
Tell me about it! Madi was sleeping through the night already! 

Morning nap was 1hr and 45min with me resettling .  A was 2hrs and 15min-she took 15min to settle. Second A was 2hrs and 7min and she slept 35min.  Woke up fussed a little, saw me and smiled. Does she really need more A time? 

Ally, have you tried adding 5 mins?

Offline AllyT

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Re: Advice for naps
« Reply #89 on: January 03, 2011, 19:23:32 pm »
Maybe it's the name Pam, my LO is Owen as well. =)
I have to guess it might have something to do with the older siblings though. I know I mentioned before, but Owen is much more settled on days that DS1 is at daycare or out with DH. When he's home he always wants to involve DS2 in his play and even when he's just doing his own thing Owen is always watching him and so engaged in whatever's going on. Just too much stimulation maybe.
Today has been a nightmare nap-wise here. We had an 30 minute OT nap this morning and after trying everything to get him back down I finally nursed him to sleep for another hour. Then after 2 hr of A time (had to make a trip out and it ended up taking him an extra 30 minutes to get settled when we got home) he gave me another 30 minute nap. So now I can't figure out if these are UT naps (like I thought yesterday), or OT naps, or if it has something to do with the teeth I think are coming. Tried everything again to get him back down and after 1 h30min I finally nursed him to sleep again and he's been down 20 minutes. So I'm going to fumble through the rest of the day and call it a write-off and start fresh tomorrow, as I'm sure the night will be a mess now too.