Author Topic: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2  (Read 191730 times)

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2011, 13:10:44 pm »
Oh so exciting Amy. I think false +ves are rare as they really need that hormone to be present to give a line. It;s not like a false -ve where there just isn;t enough of the hormone to show up yk? Can you do another test to be sure?
It's definitely possible as you normally ovulate a couple weeks before AF returns so wouldn't know before you become fertile again.
Sparrow you must be due in Aug too. Maybe you could join us on the due date thread for some support?;topicseen
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2011, 17:58:54 pm »
Ohhh so exciting Amy!! I agree with Ali, I believe false positives are quite rare.  You don't need AF to return to get preg... I only had one AF between pregnancies, but a friend of mine didn't have any and still concieved fairly quickly while Bf'ing as well.  I think every woman's body is different. If you're showing all the signs and got a + test that's a great thing!!  Maybe go to your Dr to get a blood test to be sure?? Fx and lots of sticky vibes to you!!!! :D

Offline timmysmommy

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2011, 17:45:21 pm »
Hi everyone!  Two positive tests and an ultrasound later, it is positive that I am 6 weeks pregnant!  I have lots of questions!  First of all, how do I know if T is getting enough milk?  My supply feels like it has dropped already.  From what I read I can't do anything about it since I am pregnant.   My body will react however based on the hormones.  He started waking at night to feed again, and wants to bf all the time, but he doesn't suck very hard and I'm not feeling letdown because he is asking to nurse so often.  This morning I noticed his pee was very yellow in his diaper and they are smelling strongly.  I'm not sure what to do.  He has a milk allergy, so supplementing with formula is going to be tough.  I was really hoping to bf for awhile longer!  Any thoughts?


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2011, 23:34:21 pm »
Lots of HUGS and congratulations Amy!!! Yay!! That's wonderful!

Well, the best advice I can give ATM is DON'T stop!!  Even pumping can help, but having a nursling on the breast is the BEST way to stimulate milk production, even if you're pregnant.  It's been a long and bumpy road for us, but I've been able to learn alot and gather quite a bit of advice and support.

Have you found this info on the Kellymom website?  It can hopefully help to answer a lot of your questions:

Also, something I wish I had started earlier was using an SNS (simulated nursing system).  Do you have much of a freezer stash of BM? Thankfully I had over 50 bags when I became preg, but I didn't think of using an SNS and keeping him on the breast while feeding with my frozen milk.  That can help your production as well.

There are also many galactagogues that are safe during preg.  I use More Milk Two by Motherlove. I've been using it my whole preg. and it is safe.  Although your body will do what it needs to for baby, I think it's helped.  I also take liquid Chlorophyll (you can get it at the health food store).

Another source worth looking into - are you on FB?  Have you ever heard of an organization called "Eats On Feets"?  It's a global organization that connects Mothers in need of BM with milk donors in their region.  I've been able to connect with 2 women in my region who are AMAZING.  They are bf'ing their lo's and have lots extra, so I've been getting donor BM for what I haven't been able to produce the last part of my pregnancy.  (my supply really dropped around the 18-20 week mark)  I know it sounds unconventional to some, but if BM is something that's high on your list, it's really worth doing some research and looking into.  You'll never know who you can find.  The first woman I connected with is a close friend of someone I grew up.  I also get some donor milk from my SIL who is also nursing. 

HtH a little.  Congrats again sweets! Hoping your milk keeps up!!! xox

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2011, 23:38:21 pm »
That is so great Amy. Congrats!
I would speak with your ped Amy as s/he may feel that Timmy is old enough to go with what you can provide even if it is not what it once was. Does Timmy eat solids well and do you give him non-dairy calcium rich foods? Can you pump to boost your supply? How many BFs s he having per day now? Feeding him more often might help but not sure how you feel about this and messing up any routine you are in with his feeding now.
I can't actually remember the last time I felt a let down come to think of it. There is always milk there though after Cadan finishes feeding.

Posted at same time as Rebecca. She has lots of good tips.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2011, 03:07:44 am »
Thanks ladies!  T loves to eat solids, but I'm not sure he's been getting calcium anywhere else but breast milk. I'll look into the list of calcium rich foods!  He wants to nurse all the time, but I think it is more comfort sucking.  I have been trying to decide what to do about it.  He probably bf's 8-10x a day!  He has always liked to bf, but there has been a definite increase in the last few weeks.  He started waking to feed at night too, but i think that was due to teething.  I decided last night no more nf's- again.  I thought my supply had dropped.  However, he isn't really sucking very hard, so I wonder if he is just comfort nursing.  Ideally, I would like to drop to one feed a day after he is a year.  It is considered strange here in the US to bf past a year  ::). However, I think it would be good for him to get the continued benefits of breast milk.  The ladies on the mspi board gave me lots of good ideas for dairy substitutes I can try. Thank you both for all your help!  I will check out all the links.  So far I've been to kellymom, and I bought a book called adventures in tandem nursing about nursing while pregnant and tandem nursing after the baby arrives.

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2011, 03:50:30 am »
Congrats Amy!   Maybe you'll find that as your supply diminishes your lo will up his solid intake while still getting some BM too.

We're down to 2 feeds a day here, which really hasn't been hard to do.  I thought she would put up a fight but she's so busy it's easy to distract her.  I'm still finding nursing to be really painful, even more so lately. and now it's both nipples that hurt.  I want her to keep reaping the benefits of BM but I'm also starting to resent it a bit.  I just can't enjoy it when it hurts so much.  Tonight I'm kind of feeling like I just want to wean her... my goal was 2 years and she's just 17 months now. My supply also feels very low but she doesn't seem to mind. She just sucks away!  I'm torn.  I also just can't imagine tandem nursing.  I like the idea of it but the reality seems so draining.  Having a newborn is tough, having a newborn and a 2 year old is tougher, breast feeding them both seems like all together too much!  Thanks for lending your ears/eyes....


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2011, 15:49:26 pm »
It is considered strange here in the US to bf past a year  . However, I think it would be good for him to get the continued benefits of breast milk.

It's not the most common thing here either, but considering the WHO states that babies can still get amazing immunological benefits from BM up to 2 yrs of age, I say GO FOR IT!!! :D  Who cares what other people think!! You're doing THE BEST thing for the health of your baby!!  I plan on weaning DS before DS2 arrives (tandem nursing seems like it might be a bit much to me... and a harder transition for DS) But I still plan on pumping BM and giving it to DS1 in his sippy or bottle until he's at least 2 :D

Sparrow - I'm so sorry to hear the Bf'ing has been so painful.  At least you're still doing 2 feeds a day though.  I have a very close friend that had her babies 15 mths apart and she tandem nursed.  She said it was hectic, but for her, she couldn't imagine doing anything else. I think its a really personal choice on what's best for you and your babies.   

Offline timmysmommy

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2011, 20:17:49 pm »
Tiger lily- it was my original plan to pump milk and put in sippy, until I realized it takes me 3 pumping sessions to make one bottle.  I don't have a stash of bm unfortunately- long story that I am not going to get into right now.  We'll see how things go!  Thanks for the support! :)

When does bf become painful?  I am really dreading that stage!


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2011, 20:49:34 pm »
When does bf become painful?  I am really dreading that stage!

If it isn't painful already, I say you're lucky! :P  The first and second trimesters were both quite painful for me! Especially in November when DS went on a nursing strike - I was pumping 4-5 times a day to try and keep my supply up, NOT FUN! And definitely painful!

That being said, this trimester has been much better.... (thankfully!!)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 20:54:22 pm by tigerlilly905 »

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2011, 22:42:21 pm »
I think my nipples got a little sore from about 6weeks or so but only what I would describe as painful the last months or so. For me it is only for the first 30seconds max so I just wait it out then it is OK.
We are doing a BF on WU and at BT everyday and one some days one after DS's nap too. Some days we miss that one if we go out straight form the nap or there are exciting people around (like my 19 and 20mo nephews).
Amy even if you can't pump now youwill probably be able to pump lots when the new Lo arrives and start giving him BM in the sippy then. Of course it is up to you and I understand why you would want to but it might harm your supply further if you cut out the nfs. They could be helping keep it up. I did wean the NFs while pg but as Cadan is 14mo I don't need to worry about my supply so much.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2011, 14:56:57 pm »
So I've decided to supplement with formula.  I have only been pumping a 1/2ounce total.  My usual is 2 ounces.  From what I've read they need 19 oz of bm or so at 10.5 months.  There is no way he is getting that much.  He doesn't get any other dairy since he doesn't tolerate it well.  He is nursing continuously through the day.  His urine is smelling stronger to me in his diapers.  I gave him 2 oz of Altimatum this morning and we'll see how it goes.  I am going to continue to bf, but I'm hoping this will ease my mind about him getting enough milk.  From what I understand they need the milk/formula for the iron.

Hope all is going well for all of you!


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2011, 15:29:08 pm »
((hugs)) Amy, that must be so hard.  I know it took me a LONG time to get over the Mommy guilt of not being able to provide enough milk for my baby anymore due to preg.  Much to my sadness, we had to use some formula supplementation as well. I'd highly recommend what we used, Baby's Only.  It's completely organic and Non-GMO (no genetically modified components) :D - Which is much better then alot of the choices out there.  Here's their site:  There's a lactose free version and also soy (depending on what route you need to go) They ship very quickly and you should be able to get it within a day or so. I guess the good thing is that your DS is getting that much closer to the one year mark, so maybe (depending on what your dr. says) you can start him on Organic Soy or Rice milk (or another dairy/lactose free option?) 

We just started DS on organic whole cows milk this past week.  He's been absolutely fine with it.  We're keeping up with an Organic, Iron rich diet and he's also still getting 1 bottle of BM a day.  We've also started to wean him, which has been hard on me, since I've been trying SO hard to keep him on the breast this whole time.  Especially since he's gone off his nursing strike, he really seemed to be enjoying nursing again, although I still think it was mainly for comfort.  He's been fine throughout the day/evening... mornings though when I go in to get him from his crib, he's standing there, smiling and signing "Milk" (I always would nurse him as soon as he got up..) So that makes me a little sad. 

I'm still pumping 2-3 times a day though... like you Amy, I don't get much, about 2 oz max.  But it's still something, and I still have my milk donors.  It's funny how your body doesn't react to the pump the same way when you're preg.  I had SUCH an over supply when I wasn't preg., it's just sooo weird having difficulty pumping.  Well, hopefully in another 8 weeks or so I'll have enough for both my babies!!! :D


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2011, 15:37:43 pm »
Amy - Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention. I'm not an expert, but it's worth you looking into and doing your research.  I know that Soy can mimic estrogen in the body and can be particularily difficult/troublesome on a baby boy (but girls too..)  Here's a video with some info, hopefully the link works:  It's called "the dangers of soy" .  Of course, do what your Dr recommends and of course, what you are comfortable doing as a Mommy, but I just wanted to pass along the info in case you're considering Soy.

Modified, ok the link works, but you need to use the scroll bar at the side, under Categories and scroll down to "Soy".  Click on it, and you should be able to see the Video that says "Soy Myths exposed, the Dangers of Soy"  HtH
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 15:40:48 pm by tigerlilly905 »

Offline timmysmommy

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2011, 13:50:29 pm »
Ladies thank you so much for your support.  Last night no milk came out when I pumped.  I am heartbroken.  I thought I would at least have milk through the second trimester.  DS nursed this morning and got something as I felt the letdown and heard him swallow.  However he is completely refuse g the bottle today.  We started formula last week and he took it no problem.  Today all he wants is the breast.  I'm not sure what to do here!  It is a bit uncomfortable when he sucks and they are empty.  I guess I need weaning advice and should find the appropriate board.  I am just so depressed about it.