I have a post over on PU/PD as we have a few props that we need to get rid of. DD has never been a great napper and we were finally getting somewhere with independent sleep at bedtime (less so with naps), longer naps and DD was STTN consistently for around 3 weeks until...we started stretching A times, moved her into her own room, teething and a stinker of a cold. In desperation from 2hr long NWs I brought her into bed with us and cuddled her to sleep and so the prop began. At the moment DH or I are sleeping in DD's room from when she wakes for the first time at night because, while she will go down in there at bedtime (very drowsy through rocking
but awake and hand on chest) we can't get her back in there after that. Hence the need to do PU/PD
I really wanted to try PU/PD this weekend coming but after posting on PU/PD I have been advised to come over here to get some help tweaking my EASY as, quite frankly, it is a mess. Naps are getting shorter and we've been having quite a few NWs.
I must add, DD has never been a long napper until we got to 4 mos and moved to 3.5 hour EASY with a 2hr A time. She then began to do 2 x 1.5hr naps and 1x 45 minute naps. First nap was pretty much always 1hr30, 2nd nap either 1hr 30 (or 45) and 3rd nap 45mins (or 1hr 30 if nap 2 was short).
However, now I am having trouble with her 2nd A time.
I think 2hr 15 for her first A is about right because in the last few days we have been 1hr20-1hr30 min naps for the first nap, but it is the 2nd A time I can't get right and then that is blowing us out for the rest of the day. DD is a very alert and lively baby and will happily stay awake for hours chatting and playing if I would let her. She never really cries when she is tired and cn have some monster A times as she will not sleep when we are out and about (rarely as I am obsessing about her naps!). Last night, DH tackled all the night wakings and so I didn't BF her as we really knew she didn't need the feed. This actually resulted in her waking less even though yesterday was a pretty shoddy day.
Ok, here is a sample EASY although each day is pretty different as her wake-up time is now all over the place (was always 7am-7:15, now it is more like 6am as she will not seem to do more thhan an 11 hour night.
6:35 Wake up
E 6:50
A 2hrs 15 (I seem to have a window here of 2hr-2hr15 to get up to a 1.5hr nap, rarely, very rarely a 2hr nap)
s 8:50-10:10 (1hr 20)
A (Began wind-down at 12:10 2hrs was quite resistant to napping) A time 2hr 20 mins
S 12:30-1:08 (DD woke chatting and practising her new thing which is blowing raspberries- not funny when trying to resettle) She kept falling back to sleep for 10-15 mins snatches and then would ping open and I'd try all over again! I ended up giving up at 2pm
E 2:45
a So after short nap I tried to resettle from 3pm-3:45 without luck. DD was really fighting me. Took her out for 15 mins and tried again 4:15 until she finally gave in and slept at so very long!
S 4:45-5:25 (45 minutes)
A 6pm bath
S7:25 (2hrs A)
NW11:50pm (fed but now not going to)
NW3:40am (fed but now not going to)
NW 4:50
Wake up for the day 6:15
sSince then, I have tried a 2hr 30 min A time for 2nd A and got a 30min OT nap. I am so confused. Is it possible her 2nd A could be shorter than first? Is it OT or UT? I know the prop issues are definitely part of it as last night all it took was some patting to get her to go back to sleep so we have to work on independent sleep but for that to be a success I have to get her A times right.
One thing I have noticed is that if I try to reduce A time after a short nap, I have very little success getting her to sleep any less than 2hours after she woke, even if it was a 30 min OT nap. Any ideas why? So if I get a 45 min nap for 2nd nap, now I can't seem to get her back on track to have longer than 45 minutes at the next one.
Sorry for such a long, garbled post. I really hope it makes sense. I want to get this right as we need to sleep train! Thank you so much