I know the book said don't worry about allergens, do you follow that or you follow general guidelines for things like berries, eggs, meats ect.?
I followed general guides on what foods not to give to babies (honey, salt, sugar, whole nuts, anything small and round, fish with bones etc) but mostly in terms of choke hazard and other health reasons rather than allergy reasons.
Can you share ideas for what to start with? I usually have oats with fruit for breakfast, smoothies or eggs.
How soon do I add lunch and dinner?
I think I started with lunch rather than breakfast. Introduce breakfast when when he wanted it and dinner too. We were quick to 3 meals but that was down to his appetite rather than me wanting him to have lots of meals.
Not sure what sort of breakfast I started with tbh, but I do remember settling on a baby muesli which was for age 10 months+ and I gave it much earlier made with a very small amount of milk so that it was thick and I rolled it into balls, so he could pick them up, usually fresh fruit too. He had that muesli for a couple of years. Had a long phase of one egg omelet (cooked quite firm and cut into biggish pieces) for breakfast when he wasn't eating protein the rest of the day, then switched back to the muesli when his protein picked up. I liked the muesli because it was fortified with vits etc, where as normal oats aren't. Lots of people make oat fingers though, maybe try that?
I wouldn't offer smoothies just because of the higher sugar level, I'd offer the fresh fruit instead.
I gave whole egg early on but in the UK they are lion marked which means no salmonella so if they are slightly undercooked it doesn't matter, although I think they were all firmly cooked anyway as either omelet or frittata.
Actually, just saw Alis post, I think breakfast I started DS with pancakes, the sugar free mini pancakes which are on all the BLW blogs and recipe sites. I batch cooked and froze. They were great for snacks and take out and about too.
Mine also had a full Sunday roast at 6 months (minus gravy) and loved it.