Author Topic: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months  (Read 6521 times)

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Offline Kalan

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Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« on: November 05, 2013, 02:08:12 am »
Hi there,
   LO is 28 months and has recently transitioned to a bed a week ago. First couple of days he did amazing. He stayed in bed and kept on the same routine. That lasted two days. Since then he takes hours to fall asleep for naps. Bedtimes he just lays in bed until he falls asleep.

Previous routine:
WU 6:30am
S 12:00-2:00pm
BT 7:30pm

It's been taking him until 2pm to fall asleep so his routine for the last few days were
WU 7:30am
S 2-4
BT 8:30pm

However, today he decided that he wasn't going to go to sleep at all. I did an EBT of 6pm and he's already woken after 45min from OT.

What can I do to get him back on his regular routine?

« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 02:14:46 am by kalan »

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 06:45:14 am »

My dd is also 28m on Friday. We are going through a similar SR type behaviour which is affecting our nights too. Tbh, I'm not convinced there is much you can do save manage the situation to keep on top of the OT with earlier naps and EBT where necessary.

Hth x

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 08:22:07 am »
Our EASY at that age was roughly
WU 6
nap 2.00 - 4.00
BT 8.00

If his nap was previously at 12.00 I wouldn't think it needs to be moved all the way up to 2pm but as he is delaying sleep I would certainly try making the nap later so he is more likely to do down for it rather than resist. The problem with resisting is they often go past their idea nap time (because of UT) and then end up OT.
How about trying for the set nap at 12.30 for a few days then increase to 1.00pm if he still resists?  As he is sometimes not going to sleep until 2pm anyway the later nap isn't denying him the sleep.
Holding OT at bay is easier with a late (perhaps shorter) nap rather than no nap - although the journey to nap dropping could well have started it can still be some time before the nap finally disappears. i would keep it as long as possible.

(some LOs would need longer than 4hr in the afternoon but some, like mine, would go down well at 8pm even though he napped until 4pm)


Offline Kalan

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 20:08:01 pm »
We are going through a similar SR type behaviour which is affecting our nights too.
:( Not fun!

Thanks Ladies!

The problem with resisting is they often go past their idea nap time (because of UT) and then end up OT.
I'm certain that this is what happened yesterday.

We will try the set nap at 12:30pm for a few days and see how that goes. Right now its 1pm and he's still awake, although laying in bed.

although the journey to nap dropping could well have started it can still be some time before the nap finally disappears.
I definitely want to keep the nap as long as possible since we have another little one on the way!

some LOs would need longer than 4hr in the afternoon but some, like mine, would go down well at 8pm even though he napped until 4pm
On the days he did nap 2-4 we did BT at 8 but he fell asleep at 8:30pm and had no troubles with BT.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 22:21:56 pm »
good luck :)

Offline pgibb

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2013, 07:08:58 am »
I had the same post up last week but my lo is 27 months. Her nap was at 1pm previously but we've now moved it to 2pm + she's asleep within 10 mins again so hopefully we've sorted it now for us.x

 Moved to BGB now struggling with naps for 27 month old
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 07:10:48 am by pgibb »

Offline Kalan

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 22:34:18 pm »
So far no luck with the 12:30pm NT. He did however to go sleep around 1:15pm yesterday. Today...he isn't sleeping again.

I had the same post up last week but my lo is 27 months. Her nap was at 1pm previously but we've now moved it to 2pm + she's asleep within 10 mins again so hopefully we've sorted it now for us.x
:) It's looking like this will be the best bet for us to get a nap everyday.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 21:57:05 pm »
Yesterday he ended up having a shorter nap at 3pm and I woke him. He fell asleep for BT at 8:30pm. He woke this morning at 7:30am and so far its 2:55pm and no sign of him going down for a nap...Should I keep pushing his nap out later?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 22:42:45 pm »
Yesterday he ended up having a shorter nap at 3pm and I woke him.
How long did he sleep for?

its 2:55pm and no sign of him going down for a nap...Should I keep pushing his nap out later?
tbh I wouldn't have thought he need to go for nap later than 2pm. It might take a while to get into the routine but it wasn't that long ago he was napping at 12.00, shifting nap to 2pm is in itself a big shift without going later yk?

Before mine dropped successfully it was like he had a few trial runs, kind of seeing what life without a nap was like, only to discover that it wasn't all that great to be so tired and he went back to napping daily.  Maybe your LO is doing similar, testing the waters. I would keep trying for a nap each day and cap at 1hr 30.  With an 11hr night that would be 12.5hr sleep in 24hrs which is less than he was on before.
What do you think?

Offline Kalan

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 22:55:18 pm »
How long did he sleep for?
He slept for 1.5hrs.

tbh I wouldn't have thought he need to go for nap later than 2pm. It might take a while to get into the routine but it wasn't that long ago he was napping at 12.00, shifting nap to 2pm is in itself a big shift without going later yk?
I guess I worded that one wrong. I should have said should I try nap time later then the 12:30pm so 1/1:30pm?

When he has no nap days the next day he goes down for his nap no problem. Also still not having any issues at BT.

I would keep trying for a nap each day and cap at 1hr 30.
If he happens to go to sleep tomorrow around 1/1:30pm would you still cap?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 23:03:17 pm »
Ah, ok. yes. Try for nap 1/1.30, even 2pm.

I think I'd cap if he responds ok enough to it yes. Mine was terrible with a capped nap and I only did it when absolutely necessary, but in the final stages of 1-0 it did become necessary.  you may or may not need to continue capping but until you start to get back on track with a nap every day I think I would cap, to encourage him to be tired for the next days nap.  You could even try a slightly earlier BT, it didn't work this way for us but I've seen people have success with capping the nap and adding a little sleep to the night.  Do you think that would be a possibility?

Offline Kalan

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2013, 22:52:57 pm »
Yesterday I ended up getting him up because it was to late...however, he wondered off into his room and went to sleep from 3:30-4:30. He woke crying. Tried for 8 BT but he didn't end up going to bed until 9pm. He woke this morning at 5am and then for the day at 6:15am. I put him down early for a nap as I think He's getting OT and he fell asleep at 12 but woke crying after 30min. I resettled and he slept for 2.5hrs. I didn't cap because I think he may be coming down with something. He doesn't cope well with more then a 13hr day so 7:30pm BT tonight.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2013, 22:09:25 pm »
Hi. sorry I've been missing, my internet connection has gone down the drain :(

How's things going now?

Offline Kalan

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2013, 19:53:34 pm »
No worries!

Sunday morning he was awake from 4-6am. We did an early nap time again on Sunday at 12am and he fell asleep no problem. He is cutting his molars :(. Bedtime he was asleep by 7:15pm and woke at 7:10am.

Nap time yesterday didn't happen until 2pm. He was almost asleep at 1pm but then the garbage truck came and he jumped out of bed to see it!

Last night he went to sleep at 8pm but was awake at 5am :(. He has a habit of waking early when he's cutting teeth. Got him up at 6:30am and he fell asleep at 11:30am. Again, garbage truck came and woke him at 12:30pm and he watched out the window and then layed back down but I'm not sure if he will go back to sleep.

We used to have white noise in his room that broke. I'm going to get a new one to drown out this garbage truck!

I suppose since he's cutting molars we kind of just need to go with the flow?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2013, 19:12:39 pm »
Molars are the pits :(
Mine started cutting his about 3 days after his canines had stopped giving him pain and it went on for a year!  Awful!
Yes go with the flow, sometimes they need more sleep, earlier nap or longer, because the pain just wipes them out.  Other times they just can't sleep at night or wake early.

For white noise do you have a radio you can de-tune for now until you set up the way you prefer?  There are also free and very inexpensive downloads you can get from various sites, burn to disc and use a CD player on repeat.  There are various tracks different variations of white noise, pink noise, brown noise etc if you browse around (amazon have some, there are some free versions out there too if you look around).