So Monday night DH did bedtime, lots of crying, cot resistance but finally asleep by 8pm.
Woke at 6.10am
Tuesday night both DH and I were away separately with work. I was so worried, My sister and BIL did pick up from childminders and everything went really well, she was like an angel for them, no crying or fighting after bathtime, had stories and cuddles, did mess about in the cot but no crying and my sister just sat in the room until she fell asleep by 8pm. I was so relieved for them.
Wednesday morning she woke at 6.30am.
Nap 12.45-2pm (was woken up by childminder as we are nap capping)
Played up for me massively, had hysterics and refused to get in car seat, finally got home. Had a relatively nice play and bathtime and story time, and then proper cot resistance again. Managed to get in cot but then she was crying and took her pjs and pull up nappy off.
Flat refused to put nappy on, I managed to get it on but she took off again both times. Lots of crying, me doing Wi/WO. she went to sleep by 7.50 with no nappy on and I managed to go back in at 8.30pm and put one on in her sleep.
She woke at 2.45am but settled and then woke at 6.30am today.
Started off getting dressed ok and then flat refused to put her clothes on. She put her pjs back on. If I try and force her or hold her to get dressed it is just awful
I took her to the childminders in her pjs and surprise surprise she of course got dressed straight away there.
I am finding this behaviour a real struggle, the constant 'no's 'me not want to' just seem endless and I am struggling with what I have to be really tough on and what to just try and let wash over me?
I don't feel there is any end in sight.
I do not seem to know anyone else who has the same BT issues, regardless of if their toddler naps or not. I know there are lots of us struggling as I read the posts, but having had an almost textbook daughter I am just struggling to know what to do. (Please tell this phase doesn't last for another 16 years