Ah sorry to hear you are being kept awake too, that's no good :-(
I'm very confused....yesterday naps were great, best in almost two weeks although I fed him to sleep
and he was really settled all day. Today so far is the same. If naps today are as good then I'm going to sleep train in the day as I can't see any reason not to and I'm fairly sure he isn't in pain and is just using me to get to sleep.
Nights are still not good. Last night up every hour or two then awake for 2 hours from 3-5 which has been the pattern for the week. He hasn't been chewing his fists or pulling his ear when settling for the last couple of nights so we haven't given any pain relief and given days are more settled I am assume teeth not bothering him.
However the reason for my confusion is that he appears to be more settled however there are no teeth through. Top gums still look a little inflamed though.
I think the lactulose is giving him tummy pain and wind at night as when he is waking and crying he is bringing his knees to his chest and arching his back, and he is windy after 3am. This type of discomfort has only been happening for the last two nights so won't be giving him his dose of lactulose before bed to see what difference that makes.
I'm fairly sure teeth were bothering him before although those symptoms seem to have gone away in last couple of days...this is really strange.
If I take him off lactulose tonight, give him some calpol before bed in case he is in pain, and then we have a similar night again should I assume that he is waking out of habit now and sleep train? I don't know..he is very upset when he wakes.....