Hi my DS2 is just over 4 months old. From birth he had terrible colic and reflux and would cry pretty much all day. The only way we could soothe him at home was to rock him by the tumble drier. The colic has improved a great deal over the last three or so weeks and the reflux is being treated with omeprazole. Consequently, we have seen him settle into a rough pattern of sleeps etc. during the day and he naps very well when asleep however when he gets tired it's like a switch is flicked and he goes from being happy and smiley to screaming his head off and the only way we can settle him to sleep is rocking him by the tumble drier, which has now become a prop. I have noticed he needs a sleep every two hours in the day so have tried to anticipate this by doing a wind down routine in advance. However, we always end up by the trusty drier! When he wakes for a feed at night he goes back in the cot fine albeit he falls asleep after the feed. How can we get away from the use of the drier and rocking to sleep in the day, and stop,him crying himself to sleep? Should I do PU/PD? Any advice would be great as I'm not sure how best to go about breaking this habit. Thanks in advance.