Hi there! I quickly skimmed the last few posts as time is a bit limited but according to your last post...
Hugs and hang in there. I was in the same boat a few months ago and now it's so much easier (in its own way) ...with time this will all be a thing of the past.
20 min naps can mean maybe over stimulation? What is your wind down routine? Or if anything OT for sure. You just need to maybe keep baby with averse A times to avoid excessive OT and a very moody baby
...it's hard nailing the right A time. At your LOs age, average is 1.20hr/30... so I would aim to have baby ASLEEP BY that time or around that time. If your on the lower end of A times right now, I would consider pushing ONE A time for a few days by 15min increments...then work on another A time the same way etc etc. this is the gentle way to help them adjust and prevents those uncontrollable meltdowns. Honestly though, I wouldn't try to stress the A time too much because at this age short naps are also very common and developmental. I would honestly just ride the wave on this one. Things will change so dramatically anyway within the next month also
...I learned to just accept that this is what is was going to be and things became easier, once i accepted it
Honestly, don't be feeling bad about the too much tv for your oldest. At this age, you have to do what you have to do. I know mine had to do the same on some days for awhile too. I would stress it too and it made me feel awful... but it's just temporary hun. I know it seems like an eternity and it's so much napping at this age
...I never thought I would say, "I hate naps and can't wait for the day we are one 1!"
haha! They are time consuming and a bit stressful but it will pass and so much faster than it feels now.
You know what I would do? I would leave and stay out of the house! That way my oldest got out and had his fun and the baby would just sleep in the stroller for the next naps. When I had bad days, I didn't even bother with it. I had some awful days and it was hard so I understand the frustatraion hun. Just step out of the house. Park? Stores? A drive for some ice cream? Coffee? Etc... have baby sleep in the stroller/car. The way I would handle it is make sure the first morning nap was done at home in his crib, sometimes nap 2 as well. Then I purposely left the house to avoid the stress of putting down for more naps
.....also, if settling down for a nap took longer than 20 mins (since my toddler was downstairs or away too long) I just took baby out and tried again in another 15/20 mins. They are inevitably OT more often than not anyway
..i wouldnt stay locked up in a dark room... after 15/20 with no success, i took him out of the room and attempted a few mins later.
Hope this helps and hugs!! It's very hard those first few months. But enjoy them. They go by too fast