Hi there,
Just after some advice...for the last 3 weeks or so sleep at night has become disrupted...not horrific and I know a lot of people gave it worse, but not great either as I can see a change in my Lo during the day.
We have over the last few weeks had random night wakings - 1-2 between 2-5am where she wakes up screaming. This coincided with a little resistance to settling to sleep at bed time. And in the last week we have had wake ups 40 mins to an hour after BT.
Prior to this she was self settling...BT routine was breast feed, story, sleep bag bed. Occasionally she would start nodding off at the story point so you go straight to sleepbag and bed. She was sleeping 11-12 hrs at night with no NF or nws. Her day gaps were 1x 1.5 and 1 X 2. She stopped having a third nap about a month or so ago after sometimes having it and sometimes not.
Prior to the change in her night sleep her naps shortened so I extended wake time. We were consistently getting 2 X 1.5 hrs in the day but we started getting 1 X 1.5 and 1 X 45-1hr nap. This was when the waking started shorty after BT.
So I guess the waking shorty after BT is OT so yesterday I reduced her wake time, so her day looked like this:
7 - wake up
9.30 - nap
11 - wake
1.45 - nap
3.55 - wake
6.45 bed - resisted and cried though looked very tired...went to sleep at 7.30 (BT was previously 7).
We had no wake up shortly after BT so with 2 big naps and no wake ups we though we had cracked it...until 3.30 this am when she woke with a very loud high pitched scream. She was able to be comforted intermittently but even when held would scream a little once calm. When popped back in bed she would explode in screams...she would calm after some patting but as soon as she saw we (hubby attempted too) had moved away or left the room she screamed high pitched again. We checked all bases, nappy, warmth, hunger (she had fed well in day on milk and had three solid Neale of approx 1/2 cup - she started solids at 6 months and is now 7.5). I knew she shouldn't be hungry as she's not had woke for NF for about 3 months. But I fed her and she eat well (it had been 9 hrs since last fed at this point.
She was still upset and screaming after so we resorted to Pamol. I had visited the Drs about three weeks ago following no wet nappy overnight, and change in her normal behaviour - generally more upset and cranky, pulling ears, dribbling. I though teething but wanted to check for ear infection. Dr said all good and thought teething and advised Pamol for pain relief. Still no teeth at mo and to be honest I can't tell if they are coming or not...the only thing I notice is lots of chewing, some days more drool then others and some days her gums feel warmer that norm.
Other things going on at the moment...she learnt to army crawl about three weeks ago and is spending a lot of time rocking on all fours. She's also more upset when we leave the room, though sometimes totally fine, other times very unhappy.
I know this sleep issues isn't bad compared to some... My prob is once she wakes and is back yo sleep I can't get back to sleep again so essentially am up from 3.30am! Although very tired...I'm more worried as I start back at work soon and don't think I can function on so little sleep if this continues!