I'd definitely offer at least 4 times during the day, more even since she seems to be hungry at night still. When we say on demand that doesn't mean wait til she asks but offer and give her the chance to accept. Each time she is hungry you could offer a BF rather than going straight to solid food.
Yes typically on easy the breastfeeds would be offered each time she wakes, so for you that would be 7.30, 12, 4.30 and 7.30. The 4hr EASY you are thinking of is for a 4mo baby who is awake for 2hrs and sleeping for 2hrs. Although most EBF babies won't make it so long between feeds until a little older because breastmilk is so easily digested and they need more frequent feeds than their FF counterparts. As they get older and solids come into the equation the timings won't be 4hrly because longer A times will mean they are asleep at the 4hr point. That's ok though because solids will help fill them up in between. I'll link some example routines typical for a 10-12mo to help you see what most of us do.
I think until you shift her feeds to the daytime you need to feed her all three times unless you think she will resettle quickly (5 minutes or less) without a feed.
Tbh breastfeeding research has moved on significantly since the BW books were written and we like to think Tracy would have upate her advice for BF babies had she still been around to do so.