welcome back sarah!! glad to see you again too.
momtoree-hope you get the raise. keep us posted. i have a question about reegan missing one of her naps to go to playgroup. i have a couple of friends here who have a playgroup once a week (during am naptime) and they are wanting us to join in. but i don't know how i would work g's nap. when reegan missed her nap, did you keep her up til the next scheduled nap time? or put her down earlier than you would have? was she hard to get to sleep for the nap or bedtime? i would love to join a playgroup, but if it means i will be paying for it the rest of the day or night, then it's not worth it to me. when we move back to sacramento, i am planning on starting one at MY house so g can take her naps no matter what. (i am a little unbalanced as you can see!)
petes mom-gianna took a while to get into the hang of finger foods too. she would eat cheerios, but mainly just smash the fruits and vegs. now she does really well with them. i would say just keep trying with him. as for our dog, we are planning on keeping her i think. we have just committed ourselves to not allowing any physical contact. if i can't be watching both of them like a hawk, then bailee gets locked in another room or outside. she doesn't mind since she mostly sleeps all day anyway. but we just feel like if we got rid of bailee we'd have to get rid of the other dog too since all dogs are capable of biting, kwim? and we want gianna to grow up with animals since there are so many benefits to that and we want her to learn to respect animals. i am just glad God gave me a "freebie" with that nip and she wasn't seriously hurt. lesson learned!
noelle- that picture of zoe always cracks me up. she is so cute.