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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #345 on: August 04, 2005, 19:08:39 pm »
Wow, lots to catch up on!!!!
Branwen-I totally time things I do around Kelsey's sleep cycles.  I know when there is a transition coming that she would be more easily disturbed.  But only for naps, at night she's fine with the loudest of noises.  I found that out becaus our dog gets super excited when dh comes home, and she's barked several times and Kelsey has not woken.
How would I know if the diaper rash is an allergy?  It seems to happen from poops in general, even after she's been on the same solids for a long time.  I'm waiting weeks rather than days to introduce new foods for this reason.  And, yes, it's so amazing how alert and aware babies become.  It almost makes me teary-eyed to remember this little babe who couldn't do a thing, but now can reach and "talk" and laugh and play.  And I always think of the dog as our best entertainment because Kelsey could watch and laugh at her forever.  I do have to watch her while she's sitting because if she doesn't pay attention, or reaches too far, or gets tired she does topple over.  I have her on a blanket on a carpeted floor, so I don't think she'd get hurt.  Sometimes I guide her with my hand around her and let her fall slowly onto her side to let her roll onto her back.  She's rolled a few more times from tummy to back because she just does not want to be on her tummy!!  :)   This makes me wonder about her crawling ability, but her ped told me that many babies will crawl from a sitting position when they really want to get to something.  My neighbor's babies just started crawling at 9.5 months, so we have time.  And, the ped. told me that some babies don't get teeth until close to 1 yr.  Kelsey doesn't have any either.
Debra-I'm so glad you're doing well.  That's great about your zoo day.  You are a wonderful mother!!!!!!
Julie B-I tried the Gerber Cradle Cap Kit, and it left Kelsey's hair in a greasy mess.  I was very disappointed.  Her ped. did tell me about using dandruff shampoo, and with all the other suggestions I'm sure something will work.  Sorry you had a rough night.  Did you say a tooth came through?  Surely that was the problem.  How long has your lo been using a lovie?  Kelsey doesn't have a blanket or anything with her because she gets scared if something gets over her face and she's not quite able to get it off all the time.  But we have lots of lovies for her when she's ready. 
Julie-we had to stop swaddling around 3-4 months because Kelsey scooted in her crib and it made the blanket come dangerously close to covering her face.  We quit cold turkey and went to a sleep sack.  I was scared to death that she wouldn't sleep, but she was fine immediately.  Now she doesn't even sleep with the sack, just a sleep-n-play outfit with footies and long sleeves.  I don't, however, give her a paci for night sleep, just part of wind-down.  So if your lo needs it, but knocks it out with his hands, I don't know what to tell you unless you want to take the paci out when you put him down.  But that might be for the "paci board".  Maybe Julie B can help with that.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #346 on: August 04, 2005, 21:21:20 pm »

How long has Kelsey had the current diaper rash and what are you doing for it?  If it doesn't seem to be improving with your efforts (creams, airing out, baths, etc), it may be or has turned into a yeast diaper rash.  You can buy some Lotrimin (for jock itch) to apply and that should help clear it up.  Asher seems to be allergic to certain diapers, or at least, I think certain diapers make the rash worse because they don't breathe enough?  I've never been able to find any correlations between what I eat and his rashes.  So I just keep the Calendula gel on and only use Luvs diapers to keep it to a minimum.  If you think it's from her poops, she may have diarreha (it is more acidic) -- which could be a sign of teething, a food allergy, or an illness.  Try to clear it up and then run a few experiements.

When trying to clear cradle cap, you will kinda have a mess for several days until it clears up.  Do the oil/comb thing every day, then rinse with a mild shampoo.  It's important to clear off those scales because they just get worse, in a vicious cycle.  The scalp oozes, dries and forms scales, which clogs the pores, and causes more oozing...  Once it seems to be under control, wash the hair with water only or with shampoo just a couple times a week.  Overwashing clears the scalp of it's natural oils.  But make sure to vigorously brush her hair/scalp daily with a soft bristle brush.  This helps clear away dead skin cells and such, and keeps the pores from getting clogged again.  You can use calendula gel/lotion in place of the oil, this will help heal the legions on her scalp as well.  Massage it in and let it soak for 5 minutes or so, then comb the scales.

Yes, Asher's second tooth cut through yesterday, so I hope that's why we had the bad night.  On the other hand, he took a lovely 2.5 hour nap this morning (during which I napped as well), so I'll take what I can get!   :lol:   Certainly looking forward to the day when I can sleep more than 5 hours in a row!   :shock:

I introduced a luvie when I weaned Asher off the paci around 11-12 weeks.  It's just a burp cloth (always handy, easily washed, can always buy more if lost, etc)!  :wink:   He kneads it like my shirt while nursing.  If he's cranky, all I have to do is swipe luvie by his face and he pops his thumb in!   :lol:   He also got the startled look with things over his face, but I tested it out and could still breathe with it so I didn't worry.  My sister practiced peek a boo with him a couple months ago and he can take things off his own head quite well now.  He also thinks it's big fun to play!   :D
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

Offline HeatherC

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #347 on: August 05, 2005, 01:39:16 am »
Christine, almost forgot to mention Happy 6 mos to Leah!!!

Can you all believe our babies are half way to their 1st birthdays?  :D  :cry:
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline diyasmom

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« Reply #348 on: August 05, 2005, 02:01:22 am »
Wow!I had gone outside today and open the thread and it is in the 35th page! Lots to catch up!
JulieB, glad that you could join us. I know what you mean by hanging out with other moms who haven't done BW. They look at Diya all wired up when she has missed her nap window and say that she is happy! They also comment on me putting her to sleep all the time!
Branwen, I wouldn't worry about Eirwen not crawling or moving much. Diya was like that until a week ago. Now all she wants to do when left in her crib is scoot on her butt and crawl backwards. It's like a switch for movement has been turned on in her! She is very alert and initiates communication with others too. I missed her naptime when we were on the go today and she literally calls this lady who was sitting next to me so that she can "talk" with her!
Diya was 15lbs 4 oz and 27" last week on her appointment!
Diya 1/25/05 Angel/Textbook and very spirited

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #349 on: August 05, 2005, 02:13:42 am »
Diyasmom-how old is she?  Kelsey was 15 lbs, 12.5 oz and 25 1/2 inches at her 6 mo checkup.  Just curious.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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I will finish my previous post!
« Reply #350 on: August 05, 2005, 02:18:38 am »
Diya woke up suddenly in the middle of her sleep and I didn't want to lose what I had typed. So, I pressed the submit button before even finishing!
I have a couple of questions!
Since Diya has learnt object permanence, she cries when I leave her in the crib or plays there. I am trying to hold her without rocking or anything like how Tracy suggests in her sleep interview so that it will calm her before I put her down. If I start it 15 mins before her nap time, she ends up going to sleep before her naptime. Sometimes, she misses her nap window if I do it at the beginning of her nap window. She falls asleep in 5 mins itself. When do I put her in bed because it is like she gets relaxed and the next min, she is asleep on me. When I put her down, she wakes up sometimes and she still goes to sleep on her own. I don't want to start something which I will regret later. Please share your thoughts on this!
How long is your A time when you get a long nap from your LOs?
For us, the magic number is 1 hr 20 mins or 1 hr 30 mins for the first nap and 1 hr 40mins or 1 hr 50 mins for the second one. I miss it most of the times because of the above reasons and end up having a 45 min nap most of the times.
Diya 1/25/05 Angel/Textbook and very spirited

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #351 on: August 05, 2005, 12:36:15 pm »
Quote from: hwcampbell
Can you all believe our babies are half way to their 1st birthdays?  :D  :cry:

Heather - i was just saying this to Dh yesterday - i am sure that Alex's first year went slower - but maybe it is the 2nd half of the year that has so much going on that i remember it as a long year.  this time (almost) 6 months has flown by - i feel like i missed it - sometimes i wish i could call a do-over and have another chance with Olivia.  It makes me sad but i know to focus on the future.  Dh and I are looking forward to this coming summer.  we are going to spend every weekend possible at the beach and outside with the girls.  It should be great as Olivia will be 10-12 months and alex will be 2 1/2.

Today was a pretty great day overall.  I feel we are really getting back on track.  Olivia fed reasonably well, took a 1 hr + nap in the am and then after being up exactly 2 hrs she had a 2hr 15 min 2nd nap!!!!! after only 5 quiet minutes in her cot.  Unfortunately she did not take the catnap so was awake from 3:30pm - 7:30pm but she did fantastic - not a single tear or grumble today - i think this "switch" that has been turned  on is her ability to stay awake 2 hrs etc. she loves watching alex and interacting with toys and all of us - how exciting!!  i hope everyone else's day was/is good.  i am going to get out this weekend to the beach with alex on saturday and the whole family are off for a cliffside/beachside walk on Sunday with friends - fingers crossed that we get there in time for olivia to get her first nap in the pram - i am surprising myself with all this "risk" taking but realise we have to live our lives.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #352 on: August 05, 2005, 12:57:19 pm »
Julie B- Can you talk more about the solids issue?  I'm just curious?  How are you and your dh different on the subject?  Can you talk more about your night feeding issues too?  I'm just curious as you're breastfeeding... I can't wait for Eirwen to have a lovey :D but same sit as Heather- sleeper only since abandoning swaddle, loves to pull blankets over the faces...scary...

Deb- you sound so well!  I love hearing about you getting out and Olivia's awake time and stuff.  It is so great!

- I know!  Half a year...I can't believe it somedays.  Today I looked at her and told her she was so beautiful!  I got soooo weepy.  Oh thanks for comments on the other post- putting it behind me- truly trying...I just want everyone to love and notice my baby- I notice theirs!!! :cry:  About diaper rash- if it is little oozing bumby-like probably allergy or yeast.  Raw I thought was more from moisture.  At least that is how my ped explained it to me.  Oh, sometimes even bottle-fed babies can get a yeast infection from bottle nipples that for some reason didn't get completely sterilized- you could try boiling the nipples if you don't already?  If the bumby-like I would get checked by a ped- maybe her digestive system isn't liking something suddenly?  Did you try the new formula?

Vidya- is she falling asleep on you then? while holding her?  You might want to stop that before she becomes dependent on you.  Only reason I'm saying this is my dh didn't understand the wind-down stuff and thought he was supposed to rock her to sleep- so Eirwen would get really upset when he put her in the crib.  I never let her fall asleep on me during wind down so she usually goes in her crib from rocker with only a whimper or nothing.  We had to get on the same page about that one and now she is never asleep before crib.  The only exception I make to this is when she is over-over-over tired, like has been up 4-5 hrs with no nap and is hysterical from fatigue.  Then it is somewhat automatic because she will somewhat pass out if I rock her.  I think those are ok exceptions though.

You can also try starting peek-a-boo games if you haven't already.  It still scares my dd but we are playing other permanence games- like I leave the room to get the laundry and tell her where I'm going.  Then I enter the room from another way. 

Eirwen's A time is all over the place :wink:  :roll:  Morning- 1 hr/ Mid-day- 2 - 2 1/2 / Afternoon 1 to 3 depending on success of afternoon nap.  I am just going with the flow now.  I watch her like a hawk for tired signs as they are pretty rare these days.  I think her best is 1 hr 45 min.

Question for Everyone- Can little babies have a nightmare?  Eirwen woke screaming last night for a few minutes. dh offered her a bottle only took an oz and fell back asleep sucking her thumb? night terror?
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Offline HeatherC

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #353 on: August 05, 2005, 14:20:08 pm »
I probably overreacted about the diaper rash.  I clears up within 1/2 a day after putting the cream on, so now I put it on all the time.  It was not bumpy or oozing, just bright red and sore to her.  But thanks for your concern and suggestions.
Branwen-that type of scream and back to sleep kind of sounds like she just came out of a sleep cycle in an unusual way and it frustrated her.  :?:   I thought I read that babies do not have nightmares and can not be afraid of the dark yet, but I could be completely wrong so please correct me if I am.
And, Branwen, I, too, get so weepy when I tell Kelsey how lovely she is and how much I love her.  And at night when I'm rocking her, I never want to let go.  She is so sweet laying in my arms, sucking on her paci, and making little "aahh" sounds as she settles down for the night.
My word, I'm tearing up now. :cry:
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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« Reply #354 on: August 05, 2005, 14:21:05 pm »
Oh, and how do you get a picture beside your lillypie?
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #355 on: August 05, 2005, 14:45:24 pm »
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! :evil:  :cry:   We have another tough 2 nights.  The night before last I put her to bed at 6:30 and she cried on and off till 9:00.  I almost thought maybe it was hunger because she didn't each much during the day but then she fell asleep till 10:00 and didn't even wake for her dreamfeed, which she always wakes for.  Anyways gave her df at 10:00 and she slept till 12:30 then dh went in and out about 5 times then she slept till 3:00 I settled her quickly and she slept till 7am.

Now last night I got her to bed nicely and she woke for df at 9:00pm so I gave it even though it was early.  Then she woke at 2am (which is habitual) and it took me 1.5 hours of pu/pd and patting to get her to sleep.  I gave her tylenol at 2:15 just incase it was teething, but obviously this had no effect.  I was waaaaaaaaaay past exhausted at this point.  Then she woke at 5:00 and 6:00 then I woke her up at 7:15 to start the day.  I put her down for her first nap at 8:30 because I knew she was extra tired from the night before and she slept till 9:30 then I had to do another 30mins of pu/pd and patting to get her to sleep.  Now I need to wake her up again.  I hope this stops soon.  I'm pretty sure she's teething and has seperation anxiety.  But she doesn't have any problems while she's not sleeping.

Branwen,  I read your post about timing when you go up the stairs because they're noisy, and I don't think you're crazy.  I time when I let my dh take a shower because the bathroom is beside my dd's room.  I think it's just that we put so much effort (mom and baby) into getting them asleep we don't want anything to wake them up!

Also, I bought some calendula cream for Emily's ezcema.  I tried a little test area and she didn't have any bad reaction, so I'm going to give it a go for a good week and see if there's any improvement. 


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« Reply #356 on: August 05, 2005, 16:13:54 pm »
We did have 3 nights in a row without nightwakings. I am trying to follow the eating schedule which I had on the first day to a T. The cluster feed in the evenings and a 3 hr EASY in the afternoon is saving our lives for now.
She went to bed early last night because she missed her last 2 naps. So, she woke up early because of that.
Heather, my DD was born on 1/25/05. She is 6 months now. She is 28 weeks now. Glad that her diaper rash has gone.
Tarri, my DD did that too all of a sudden, a couple of days ago. Now I make sure that she gets extra snuggle time. I still haven't put her to bed wide awake like before. But I am going to try it today.
Deb, your outing will surely go well. Go and have fun.
Branwen, thanks for the advice. I'll try not to put her in the crib all sleepy today.
I feel very weepy too when I see my DD sleeping. I wonder if this perfect creature came out of me and will she be so loving and cuddly when she grows up:) For now, I am trying to write a piece of her day atleast in a line in a journal. But I have been thinking about it forever.
She is getting cranky in her exersaucer. I have gotta go.
Diya 1/25/05 Angel/Textbook and very spirited

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #357 on: August 05, 2005, 18:07:47 pm »
We had a better night.  He only woke twice and slept until nearly 7:00 (just played quietly until I got him up).  :D   I feel so refreshed after getting 4.5 hours of straight sleep!  :lol:

Asher officially started crawling yesterday, taking several steps in a row.  He's seem to have forgotten how this morning though!  :lol:

Question for everyone: Do you take your LOs to church and how do you do it around nap/eating times?

We've only been a few times since Asher's been born.  It seems to always fall around that morning nap and he had a hard time staying awake.  He won't sleep in my arms.  And I won't put him in the nursery until he's at least a year (not vaccinated).  He can stay awake longer now, but that morning nap is still the problem.  Should I get him up for the day earlier so he can finish the nap before leaving for church?  Or should I just cut his nap short and see how it goes?  BFing is also a problem.  I'm horrible on the go so I usually have to do it before we leave.

Vidya: Asher's awake time is around 2:15 hrs each time.  He's pretty cranky the last half hour, but if I put him down sooner, he wakes up early.  This is how it's always been since moving to the 4 hour EASY though.  The last 10-15 minutes is usually in his room winding down.

Branwen: Asher's digestive issues are buckets of spit up and green stools.  The green stools started when he was 2 weeks old.  They've changed colors and improved in frequency and smell, however.  I've tried practically everything short of taking him to a pediatric gastroblahblahblah.  He prolly has reflux, but I know they'd just put him on meds.  There was a long waiting list and by that time, the spit up didn't seem to bother him like it did when we was younger.  We just use lots of bibs and burb cloths!   :lol:  He also has blood in his stools periodically.  Doesn't seem to concern his doctor for some reason.  :?  I've tried elimination diets and stuff.  So needless to say, with our luck, I'm paranoid about food allergies even though there's no history in our families.  I talked to doctor this week about starting the solids and my concerns and she said to hold out for as long as we can.  We both would like to wait, but DH hopes starting solids will help reduce the spit up and I hope it will help him sleep at night.  We're both 50/50, so we'll wait until one of us tips the scale.

Most of Asher's nightwakings are brief and he goes right back to sleep if I go in and "put him back together."  I only feed him once.  But he takes a full feed so that's why I feel guilty about wanting to try to drop that night feeding before we have solids well established.   :(   I know that's unrealistic.  Then he wakes early for the day 90% of the time.  Sometimes he plays and goes back to sleep, sometimes he cries and I have to resettle him.  But he ALWAYS wakes me up in the monitor, no matter what he's doing.   :shock:

Asher also pulls the stuff over his face (loves to have luvie right up to his face), but I tested everything to see if I could still breathe clearly so I feel okay about it.  Everything in his crib it very thin.
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #358 on: August 05, 2005, 19:19:16 pm »
Wow!! Our little thread has really and truly grown. 36 pages!  :shock:  :lol:

Hello Julie and welcome!  :D

I cannot remember everything that everyone wrote, so I'll just type from memory.

I cannot believe that our babies are halfway to their first birthdays either. It's gone by so quickly. And next month I'll be going back to work  :(

Branwen: I do think that little babies can have nightmares. Luka has them quite often. He'll wake up with a huge shrieking cry, and will settle as soon as I sing to him or touch him or sometimes pick him up. I think he just needs reassurance that I'm still there and the nightmare isn't real.

As of last week Thursday, Luka weighed 7.5kg and is 68cm tall (16.5 lbs ?? inches :oops:  :lol: )

Julie, we don't go to church, so unfortunately cannot answer your question.

Luka's A time in the morning is 1.5hours sometimes 2 hours. During the day, the magic number is 1.5 hrs. But from around 4.30pm we really struggle with getting him to take a cat nap. He's much happier during bath time if he's had a catnap.

We're trying to get started on veggies. Luka loves loves loves his rice cereal and will actually smack his lips when he has that (or pears or banana). But he pulls the most disgusted face when I give him any type of vegetable  :?
We've tried: carrots, butternut, gem squash and avo.
I make it myself, maybe that's the problem?

The only reason he's had pear is coz I mixed it with the rice cereal to give him a different taste.
Not quite sure what to do now?? I'm even tempted to give him jarred baby food to see if he's objecting to my cooking :oops:  :lol:

Hope everyone is going well.
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
Tiisetso 18 Sep 2010 Textbook/Touchy
and three little angels


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« Reply #359 on: August 06, 2005, 01:53:57 am »
Hi Jan/Feb Mom’s –

I am newbie to your group and have read some of the early posts and later ones, I couldn’t get though all 36 pages!  Just reading the one’s that I did, made me feel like I know you already.  My 2nd daughter Riley Ann sounds a lot like all your sons and daughters.

Here’s my story… Riley Ann is all about fast and action!  She was conceived fast, delivered 10 days early after only 3 hours (she’s my second and they do come fast!) and has been ready to go ever since.  She hates to go to sleep, loves to eat (BF) as much and as often as she can, and is always looking around checking things out.  I would classify her as a Touchy baby with a touch of Angle, as even when overtired she is still smiling and happy.

I had rocked her down, held her and had her in our bed at night for the first 5 months of her life.  It was crazy and since we had a big vacation planned I didn’t feel like I could change anything at month 4 since we would be flying and staying in hotels, etc. until we got back.  We’ve been back since the end of June and now I am trying to get things together.   She is now on a better schedule, getting more sleep, sleeping in her crib in our room (we only have a two bedroom and not ready to put her in with her sister yet – who by the way was Angel all the way so I was spoiled.)

But I am still in tears as I can’t seem to figure out a schedule that works.  She wakes only twice a night but get’s up early between 5 and 6.  She started solids at six months and is somewhat interested in them but is much more interested in grabbing what I put in my mouth.  I am still nursing her to sleep as that is the fastest way to get her down without too many tears.

I would love to hear what type of schedules your children are on?  Anyone combing a 3 and 4 hour schedule?

Sorry this is long and I hope I am not coming off to strong or desperate… I have had a bad week and would love to talk to others with children in my same age bracket.  It’s funny how much you forget from the first one.

Desperate mom of two!