I just noticed that not only do we have 2 Heathers, but we also have a Debra and a Deborah. I'll try to keep them straight.
Heather #2 Do you feed from both sides? I know that Tracy recommends single-side feeding, but it might help her to get more in and possibly not wake at night. :?: Also, for you and
Debra, to get baby to focus while eating, you could try laying a colorful piece of fabric over your shoulder to get their focus. I've done this with Kelsey and it helps. Sometimes, you just have to stop and start again until they are really ready to eat. I know it makes feeding time last forever, but I don't know what else you could do. I attributed Kelsey's pulling off and on my breast to reflux, and it probably mostly was, but it could have also been distraction, gas, or disinterest. Either way, her lack of good feeding made me lose my supply, and now she's almost completely ff with bf in the morning and at night. However, she's starting to drop the morning bf
Deborah I think that if 5 feeds at 3 hours is working for you, then you should keep with it. 4 hourly is just a recommendation, and you have to do what is best for your LO. I understand the low weight concerns. Kelsey is probably just around 12 pounds at 4.5 months. Every check up the doctor told me to supplement bf with formula, and I did until now that she is taking mostly formula all together. And, yes, Kelsey also tries to stick her thumb in while also either bf or bottle feeding. It's a hassle, but it's also cute.
Now, my turn. Ha Ha. Kelsey is taking her feedings just fine at 4 hours, giving her just 4 feeds per day. Her naps are still short, except a few times she has fallen asleep while taking the bottle and sleeps a long time (1.5-2 hours). I know that this is not a good habit for her to develop, but I also understand that she is tired and I want her to sleep. What are your opinions about this? I'm not going to have an EASY routine until I can readjust to this 4 hour schedule, but I don't know how to adjust. As it is now, she normally gets tired at 2 hours, has a 30 minute nap, then has 1.5 or more hours until next feeding. Should I just go with the flow?