SORRY FOR SUPER LONG POST BUT Dh took ILs and DD1 and my sister out for the morning and this is the longest i have been alone in ages and dd2 is asleep!!!
Deb- I hope the clinic will help you! Maybe even you will get a rest too! Please tell us all about it!
I was thinking of not going and the child health nurse said she thinks i can really benefit and at the mimimum i have 4 1/2 days where i only focus on me and Olivia. I am a little worried about their methods though and if they will think i am crazy with BW. for example, i think they watch the babies for you overnight - what do i do if they want to give her a bottle if she wakes even if i know she is not hungry (ie - she is a noisy night sleeper anyway and often resettles herself. ) if i ask to have her in with me that will be hard too b/c it's not like i get a suite of rooms, so she would disturb me all night and then i would not get the rest i need!!
i am trying not to feel guilty leaving alex for 5 days!!! but my heart races when i think about it as she is so close with me and spends a lot of time cuddling and playing with me. at least she has really taken to my sister who will look after her here at our house. oh the guilt!!
About the inlaws- mine won't even visit- she doesn't like girls much. She kept trying to convince us it was a boy, even after our ultrasound. :evil: !
i can relate - my MIL had 3 boys under 5! when i was PG with Alex i said i was hoping for a girl (i am 1 of 2 and do not know anything baout little boys :lol: ) she kept saying to me "no you want boys! they are easier and so lovely!" and i would just keep replying "no, actually i want a little girl" to which MIL said "we just don't make girls" (my 2 are the first in 3 or 4 generations in his family :lol:
my ILs are here for 2 weeks and apart from MIL hanging out some washing, they spend a lot of timing sitting on the sofa... or looking left out - they are not "dive in" kind of people and I have to always worry about their feelings, make sure they are taken care of, watch what i say, etc URG! they are nice people though and they love us dearly, but they are very hard to be around 24/7! FIL is one of those people who like to talk about nothing - my sister joked to me last night "your FIL knows a lot of crap about crap!" after he told her about every bird in England... you get the idea!
glad to hear the solids are going well. sorry about the evenings though - will have to look for your post and see if i can offer any suggestions. we are still struggling, but i think Olivia really wants to be on 4 hr easy and i just have to find a way to get there. she is feeding well when i am able to wait closer to 3 1/2 hrs but when she does the crappy 45 min naps there is no way she can stay awake that long!!!!!!
We had a terrible night last night (power blew out at 3AM which shut off her white noise suddenly and woke her up and the rest of the night was awake time with a couple of 45 min "naps") but i just had our best feed EVER (she took 220ml in 1 session, no top ups...) The problem is it was at the end of a cycle because her first nap was less than an hour and she was then up for an hour before i began the feed, etc. she was only "up" for 15 min afetr feed (then she pooped in bed before nap so by the time i changed her again.,.. she had 2 hrs awake time so we'll see if she does a big sleep now)
tomorrow is alex's 2nd birthday party so wish me luck coping with the preperations and guests while taking care of Liv!!! shoudl be stresful but fun!