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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #210 on: June 30, 2005, 16:18:35 pm »
Heather- I must say that I so LOVE your perspective on things.  Maybe it's 'cause you've been through so much med stuff with Kelsey but I really admire your approach.  It reminds me to take a step back, realize nothing is perfect, esp me or my dd, take a deep breath and start again.  THANK YOU!

Julie- Does the sitter sleep in the room with him too?  I think you should let Matty take the lead with eating.  That is how originally I knew I could extend Eirwen.  I stopped offering and started waiting for her to ask.  That is how we got to the 3.5/4 hr EASY.  Odd question but does he miss you?  I read that babies have an accute sense of smell, actually moms do too, they have unique scents for each other, helps with bonding.  Perhaps he senses you there on many levels? Oh, and the babies can actually smell the breast milk too.  This is why my friend had so many problems with her ds co-sleeping.  He would wake so much at night.  Her ped put it "imagine sleeping in a restaurant all night."

Hmmm...not sure how you will feel about this but his weight is up high enough to sleep through and he has proven he can go the night when he wants.  I feel that you could probably end night feedings using one of Tracy's back to sleep methods.  It might inspire him to eat more during the day.  I can't remember if you're offering solids?

I'm sorry you're having these problems.  I agree about studying the sitter's routine.  Maybe there is something she is doing different?

I'm happy to report that Eirwen is already going back to her 3.5 routine! YEAH!
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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« Reply #211 on: June 30, 2005, 20:37:09 pm »
Eirwen is so cute!  :lol:
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline branwen

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« Reply #212 on: July 01, 2005, 02:04:23 am »
Thank you Heather!  Kelsey is adorable too!  I want more pics everyone! :D
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Offline Schae

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #213 on: July 01, 2005, 21:06:36 pm »
Hello ladies!

Sorry I've been so scarce, but I've kept away from forums for a while (my dh was complaining)  :)
I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, but it sounds like things are going fairly well with everyone.

Luka is doing well, he rolled over on father's day.. his dad was very chuffed. And we're being pressured to go onto solids (I'm resisting though). The sleeping is going okay, one night waking at 1am which is due to hunger and then he'll sleep till 7am.

Hope everyone is doing well, love to all the jan/feb babies!  :D
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #214 on: July 01, 2005, 23:27:53 pm »
Schae glad to hear you are well and that Luka rolled over - what a nice present for Daddy.

Olivia must be going through a growth spurt - she has been eating like a champion past 2 days (loving the bottle since you just have to add more if they are eating so  much  :D ) and last night finally slept through again - had to wake her at 0730!!! not sure if she woke at all though to be honest b/c it was only at breakfast that i discovered the monitor was set at "4" instead of "6" where i usually have it.  asked Dh if he realized it was so low when he came to bed after DF and he said "that's the point".  he wanted to make me sleep until she would reach the point where i could hear her then and know she NEEDED me. i usually wake as soon as she does so unless she was SUPER quiet i will trust that she did not wake. 

besides the extra food she DID have extra awake time past 2 days. Thursday when i went to Dr with her she slept in car in both directions but meant 2 naps were 1 hr and then 35min, and she fed poorly at the Dr waiting room ( :roll: ) since it was not her ideal environment.  so more awake time PLUS more food = more night sleep??  will see.  she is now staying up the 1 1/2 hrs at least half of her cycles.  i think we will soon start the transition to 3 1/2 - 4 hrs.  she still has a hard time staying up afetr first feed though. i am going to think through the logistics of the 2 kids and come up with my own time table though to see if i can find one that allows me to deal with both with less stress (ie not having to give olivia bottle when alex needs lunch or dinner made/served.  if Liv would feed in "public" i could give her the bottle while alex eats, but i hate leaving alex sitting by herself while i take olivia into  her room to feed)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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« Reply #215 on: July 02, 2005, 00:21:00 am »
I wanted to show everyone the new picture of Emily I added to my profile.

Our naps have returned to normal, that is two 1.5-2hr naps then a catnap (the teething upset them for a couple days).  Yeaahhh :D .

But for the last two nights she's woken up and was very hard to settle.  The first night she woke at 3:00am crying hard, she had a burp and a stuffy nose and maybe teething pain. :?   I gave her tylenol and suctioned her nose and finally got her back to sleep by 4:30am.  I didn't feed her because I thought since she stopped crying when she was picked up it was discomfort of some kind.

Then last night she woke at 9:20pm (which she's been doing for about 2 weeks now) and was still unsettled by 10:00 at which point I gave her the dreamfeed.  I also ended up giving her tylenol and stopping the feed part way to suction her nose again :? .

I'm having a very hard time giving the dreamfeed when she's actually still asleep.  She always wakes up.  I used to do it at 11:00 and she started waking at 10:30, so then I did 10:30 and she started waking at 10:20, so now I'm doing it at 10:00 and now she's waking at 9:20.  I CAN'T WIN :x .  So now I'm thinking of giving it anytime after 9:00 if she wakes.  So far she's still sleeping till 6:30-7am even with the df getting earlier and earlier.

Oh and I also wanted to share that my dh, dd and I went for a boat ride last week and it was a success. :D   My dh played with her in the cabin while I went for a swim with the dog and then we switched places and I put emily to sleep for a 1/2 hour nap.  The gentle rocking of the boat is a big help!  I can't wait to go again, the water was 74F.

Debinoz, I'm so glad your baby's eating better:)
Branwen,  I'm sorry you had to go thru all that ordeal with the travelling.  I know I couldn't have done it.  And I think you should keep asking your dh for help.  I know when my dh helps just a little that it's a big relief for me.

Offline Deb_in_oz

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #216 on: July 02, 2005, 00:42:38 am »
Quote from: thitz

I'm having a very hard time giving the dreamfeed when she's actually still asleep.  She always wakes up.  I used to do it at 11:00 and she started waking at 10:30, so then I did 10:30 and she started waking at 10:20, so now I'm doing it at 10:00 and now she's waking at 9:20.  I CAN'T WIN :x .  So now I'm thinking of giving it anytime after 9:00 if she wakes.  So far she's still sleeping till 6:30-7am even with the df getting earlier and earlier..

this has been our experience for the last month...  we finally did exactly what you say - we just prepare to feed her if she wakes after 9pm and now it is moving back to DF times (occassionally now wakes around 10:30 but is back to having DF around 11 most nights  :D  i think they just like to stir things up regularly  :roll: )

Quote from: thitz
Debinoz, I'm so glad your baby's eating better:) ..

thanks for all your concern and suggestions.  i think in the end she sorted it out for herself and i just needed to do some better whispering!  got to remember that really she is in charge and not me  :)

want to write more to everyone but she's up for 2nd feed - will write later when i have a break
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #217 on: July 02, 2005, 00:58:28 am »
Oh my! So much to catch up on. I have been on here a little less lately. DH and I bought an elliptical machine (piece of workout equipment) so I have been working out more, we'll see how long that lasts.... :wink:

Welcome back Branwen! Sorry to hear about your problems with the vacation. I commend you for even going, I don't think I would dare! Good for you to go on vacation!!!! Sometimes DH thinks I am a little too anal and complains that we don't get to do anything anymore.  :( Oh well, I tell him someday we will go more places again! I too, am struggling with the four hour transition. I know she can go more than 3 hours becuase she only takes 4 ounces every three hours. But if I try and make her wait longer she gets mad.

Deb - Glad to hear things are going better. How are the nights? is Olivia still waking and staying up. I made up my mind NOT to feed Leah in the nights. So the past few nights I have not fed her. She still gets up once, but I just change her diaper, reswaddle and sit with her in the rocking chair. If all goes to pieces, I will give her a bottle of water - not sure if that is alright to do, but it works for us! The waking is becoming later and later. This morning it was almost 4:30 the first time she woke!

Heather - Glad you could make it to four hours! Congrats! The more I think about Kelsey's naps, the more I think she may just be one of those babies who takes short naps! If she's sleeping thru the night and happy druing the day, I guess short naps are her thing! Not so good for you though.... :wink: How are solids going? Are you still just doing cereal? I have been giving Leah cereal twice a day now. She seems to have taken to it well! When do you plan to start veges and such?

Julie- So sorry to hear about your dilema. I guess Matthew just likes to see his mommy and daddy in the night! That is the weirdest and funniest thing. I would probobly be hiring the night sitter for every night! Just kidding...

As for us, Leah is rolling over like a crazy baby! It was cute at first, but now I can't change her diaper or her clothes on the floor, because the second I take my hands off her she flips to her tummy.  :? It still is cute. I tell you, it won't be long before our babies learn to crawl. Somedays I can just see it in her eyes...... I WANT to go, go, go, go!!!  :D

Take care all. I will check back soon. Hope everyone has a Happy fourth of July weekend, if you celebrate.  :D
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Offline HeatherC

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #218 on: July 02, 2005, 01:42:32 am »
Wow, lots of new posts!  I'll try to respond to everyone that I can.

Schae, might I ask why dh is upset with you browsing the forum?  I don't mean to get personal, but I explained to mine how much it helps me to chat with other's going through the same things.  Also, from whom are you feeling pressure to start solids?  He is your baby, you do as you think is best.  From all the literature, they don't really need it until after 6 months.  Any time before is just practice, or a little extra for larger, more hungry babies.  And congrats on Luka rolling over.  Kelsey did it once at 4 months, but hasn't since.  She seems to be trying, though.

Debra, I bet you feel like a new woman with Olivia sleeping through the night.  Cheers to your dh for keeping the monitor down and letting you get some good rest.  I guess you needed someone to do that for you so you wouldn't feel guilty. :wink:   You will definitely know if she needs you.  Also, if she is extending her awake time you very well may be able to reach the 4 hour transition; that is if she can wait for her feedings that long.  I have some feedings I do at 3.5 hours.  I just switch it up every now and then if she seems to be hungry or overly fussy.  Also, I agree that you need to come up with your own schedule/routine, something that suits you and your family.  We are totally off of EASY, but we still have routines that help me to read her cues.  What we do works for us.  That's not to say that I'm not thankful for BW, because I am.

Thitz, Emily is adorable.  Glad you shared the picture.  I was thinking about her waking situation before the DF.  Could she be phasing out the dream feed, and just needing a top-off to fall back to sleep?  I really don't have much experience in that area, but I am trying to brainstorm for you.  It's a great sign that she's still sleeping until 7ish.  I really think you could either add more to her last feeding, or make it later, and establish a new bed time. 

Christine, so glad your nights have been better.  One waking is tons better than 3 or 4.  It's so cute that she's rolling around like that.  Does she roll both ways?  Does she like to be on her belly?  Did you do anything to encourage the rolling?  Kelsey is also having rice cereal twice a day, after 1st and 3rd feedings.  She's not taking it as well right now as she used to, but I'm trying.  Her ped. recommended adding a 3rd meal of veggies (but I think I'll start with fruit) after she really establishes 2 good meals of the cereals.  I'm thinking further into this 5th month and onto the 6th month.

As for me, her short naps are showing signs of turning into no naps at all.  :cry:   Her morning nap used to be 2 hrs, then 1.75, then 1.5, etc...and now is sometimes less than 30 minutes.  During the day she may sleep if we're out and she's in the stroller or car.  But after 5 pm, well, I can forget it.  She gets tired, obviously, around 5:30-6, but screams bloody murder when I try to put her down.  I'm sure this is overtiredness, but sometimes I never get her down, and by the 7:30 feeding she's too tired to eat.  I had finally come to accept 30 minute naps, but I can't and she can't live with no naps at all.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline Schae

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #219 on: July 02, 2005, 08:37:38 am »
See... I don't only browse the babywhisperer... you could call me a forum addict  :oops: I'm on the 'net all the time and Dh was complaining. Poor guy! So, I gave him some quality time and now I'm back to my addiction! lol!!!

Good to hear the naps are back to normal. Wish Luka could nap that long. I hope she feels better soon, it's horrible to be ill, doubly so for a bubs!

I can relate to the naps becoming non existant. But I'm sure it'll get better.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend, Luka and I are off to a babyshower!  :D
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
Tiisetso 18 Sep 2010 Textbook/Touchy
and three little angels

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looking for Jan/Feb 05 moms to chat...
« Reply #220 on: July 02, 2005, 08:41:50 am »
See... I don't only browse the babywhisperer... you could call me a forum addict  :oops: I'm on the 'net all the time and Dh was complaining. Poor guy! So, I gave him some quality time and now I'm back to my addiction! lol!!!

Good to hear the naps are back to normal. Wish Luka could nap that long. I hope she feels better soon, it's horrible to be ill, doubly so for a bubs!

I can relate to the naps becoming non existant. But I'm sure it'll get better.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend, Luka and I are off to a babyshower!  :D
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
Tiisetso 18 Sep 2010 Textbook/Touchy
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« Reply #221 on: July 03, 2005, 01:45:41 am »
Heather - Has anything changed recently with regard to your daily routine?  I find that when we have been busy (running lots of errands during the day or having houseguests), Maya gets out of whack with her naps.  Usually a few days of nap training refresher helps.  I plan to spend a few days around the house so I can consistently get her down on time, and she can nap undisturbed.  That said, we're completely off schedule now, and we're in a short nap phase.  My MIL was visiting last week, and yesterday we drove from FL to NC for a visit with my family.

You also mentioned that you were going to start Kelsey on fruit after the rice cereal.  I know the BW book recommended fruit first, but our ped also recommended introducing vegetables before fruit.  His reasoning was that babies sometimes fuss about eating veggies if they're used to fruit since the fruit is sweeter.  I'm not sure if there's any truth to it, since we haven't started on solids yet, but that was his logic.

We're in NC now for an extended visit with my family.  We'll see how it goes.  Three weeks sounded like a good idea a month ago, but now I'm not so sure.  This is Maya's first trip away from home.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
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« Reply #222 on: July 03, 2005, 13:43:20 pm »
Heather- How are the naps going now?  I agree with Deborah that bunkering down at home really helps.  Eirwen really responds to that.  I just decide to stay in and hybernate and at ANY tired sign even a sigh, get her to bed, even if it is off schedule.

Will Kelsey spend "quiet time" in her crib at all?  My baby has just started to be able to do this.  Now that she's discovered her feet she will lay there and play with them.  When we were having nap trouble this past week I would do wind down and then set her in her crib and leave her be as long as she wasn't crying...sometimes she would sleep sometimes not- if she was still awake 30 min later I'd get her up but maybe even encouraging Kelsey to rest would improve her over-exhaustion?

Christine- due to the trip I am now in the same boat as you!  I know Eirwen can go the 4 hrs but now she likes the 3 hrs and she is only taking 4 to 5 oz.  I know 'cause I did two yeilds and got the same! Argh!

Questions for everyone-

When did you start solids?  We just started!!  She seemed excited but all of the cereal ended up on her bib and clothes of course!  How long did you find spoon training to take?

Also- any exclusive bf mom's try to give a bottle yet?  How did this work?  I've only tried once and it was disaster! (dh gives a bottle just fine since 5 I know she can drink from one)

We have hit the 6 month growth spurt!  Anyone else!?  My beautiful sleeper has started waking in the night! :shock: I know I right to compalin  :wink: I encouraged more nursing yesterday and she only woke once last night!  She hasn't had a BM in 4 days! :shock: Any tips on boosting my supply up? am I going to get her back on the 4 hrs!?
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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« Reply #223 on: July 04, 2005, 01:29:34 am »
Heather - I thought of one other thing.  When I was first having trouble with Maya's naps, someone recommended the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" (I think that's the title).  The book was kind of tough to get through, lots of research stats and other dry material, but one of the things I got from it was a suggestion to keep the awake interval before the first morning nap super short.  The author specifically recommended it for post-colic babies, which Maya is.  For Maya, I usually put her back down within an hour of when she gets up in the morning.  We do a leisurely bf, and 15 to 20 minutes of quiet play (no toys or books, just face time), and then it's back to bed.  At home it really helps us to get the day off to a good start as she goes down for the first nap before she has a chance to get overtired (and she's often still in her pjs).

Branwen - We tried solids (rice cereal thinned with ebm) at about 5 mos, but Maya wasn't quite ready.  Then we both got sick so I didn't really stick with it.  She's still doing ok with bf, so I figured we'd try again when we got back from our vacation.  Keep us posted on how it's going.  And I tried to give her a bottle of ebm once, but it didn't go well.  She fussed, and half of it wound up on the diaper I was using for a bib.  I tried because she doesn't bf well in public, but I've just resigned myself to being home for feedings when at all possible until she starts solid food.  And lastly, going 4 days without a BM is normal esp if she is going through a growth spurt - she's just getting every ounce of nutrition she can out of your milk.  Maya only goes about every six days.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
B 04/14/07 (ds)
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« Reply #224 on: July 04, 2005, 14:13:11 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I finally had time to figure out how to add the lilypie ticker.  It's soo cute :wink:

Yesterday we went to the boat again.  And this time I managed to get a 40 min. nap out of Emily :D .  The water was beautiful again.

I've started giving the dreamfeed anywhere after 9:00pm.  The earliest has been 9:30pm so far.  And she still good to sleep till 7:00a.m.

She wakes almost every night around 9:30pm, 2:00 and 5:00 and 6:00.  :?  I usually just have to reswaddle her or put my hand on her and she goes back to sleep.  But I would really like to get rid of at least the 2:00am waking.  I think the key is to get her used to not being swaddled.  I'll have to start working on that. 

Oh and a little formula tip which may or may not help, is I've started stirring the formula in the bottle instead of shaking, I find that it gets a LOT less air bubbles in it.

One question, what do your babies sleep in when you travel if there's no crib available :?:

Have a good day everyone!