I was just reading some of the last postings on this board and I just wanted to extend some big hugs to all the struggling moms out there! (((((HUGS))))))
It does get easier! I was the epitome of a paranoid, stressed out mom with my first (at least for the first 6 months, maybe longer). I suffered from PPD, I was constantly either watching the clock or my baby's cues, or both. I would cry when my baby had a short nap~ completely miserable. It took some counseling, some meds, and my baby growing up a little to understand that this is such a small part of their lives and it FLIES by!!
When I first started BW I expected that I would have instant, perfect results, but the reality is that with your first, you definitely are just beginning the journey to understanding how BW works. I'm BW with my second, and I still don't have things the way I'd like them, but I've learned some new stuff to do with those magic A times and it's been a lot better.
My DH and I were just talking about whether or not we could have a third and he just looked at me and said, "Why? So my lips can get all dry and cracked from doing SH/Pat!?!?!" I couldn't help but laugh. Although it was the end of the world at the time, it is all over with and we have an incredibly happy baby now who is a complete joy to play with and take care of. Just remember that this is all stressful now, but years from now (or maybe even a few short months from now) it will all be foggy and hopefully very humorous. In my mind, Tracy just wanted moms to provide structure, safety, and discipline for babies and children and she gives some great suggestions on how to do it~ but by all means, don't follow her word for word! You're the momma, do what works for you and your family!