Hi yah Katie's Mummy, my ‘usual’ daily routine is posted about mid-way through the page. Looking back on it I guess it is still really a 3hr E.A.S.Y. but I just started with getting DD to stay awake abit longer so will now go towards letting her sleep abit longer too….am not really sure about this but am waiting on a BW book that might tell me about the 3.5 and 4hr E.A.S.Y. So to change I just kinda went by DD’s cues. From DD’s early days, until about 4 weeks ago, I used to do her BF, play and change of nappy in 1hr (she was an efficient feeder, a real guzzler!!!!!) and then a few times I noticed she was taking longer than usual to fall asleep and seemed abit ‘put out’ about having to go to bed so I thought I’d try leaving her up and extra 10 - 15 mins each ‘A’ time. I did this over a few days and she seemed to be able to cope with it so I just extended it in 5-10min increments until it got to 1.5hrs. She would still sleep for the 1.5 hrs but in the mornings, after her 7am start, I tend to leave her for a 2 hour sleep, which I didn’t put in the timetable. Also forgot to put in the DF at 9:00pm…..my brain is mush!!!!!
I was abit scared about DD getting overtired but realised that this would probably have to happen a few times during this transition so I tried to mentally prepare myself for this!!!!!
Far out I do go on and on and on!!!!! So DD ‘usually’ has 1 x 2hr sleep and then 2 x 1.5hr sleeps and one 30 - 45min ‘catnap’ b4 her big sleep at night. I guess I try not to let DD have any more than 6 hrs of sleep during the day, I think the book says this? Mind you this is all just watching DD’s cues as I didn’t really know about the 3.5 and 4hr E.A.S.Y. I hope I am getting the right book!!!!! Can you please tell me which book explains the 3.5 and 4hr E.A.S.Y?
So there you have it. I am truly sorry if I have confused you even more as this parenting business can be confusing stuff anyway. Sing out if you want me to pop out the routine, as I am a very visual person and need it set out and besides this post would confuse the heck out of me!!!!! Sorry
Kiwi from NZ