This is how I feed Meghan (it's like the baby feeding Olympics!!!
Am feed- feed in rocking chair with lights off for a few ounces, flip her around so her head is on my knees and she's looking at me for a few ounces, take her downstairs and hold her upright on my lap while big kids/dh entertain her and she looks around and eats a little bit (total feed about 5 ounces)
Feed after first nap- repeat of above, then put the remaining milk in a sippy and let her play with that (total feed 4-5 ounces)
Feed after second nap- repeat as after first nap, then feed dinner, then try again (total feed 3-4 ounces)
Bedtime feed- Repeat as am feed then feed in rocking chair with lights off and sing to her until she seems drowsy then burp her so she'll wake a bit for bedtime (total feed usually about 5 ounces)
DF- 6 ounces because she's asleep (Her am feed is decreasing though, so I'm going to start weaning this soon)
Each of her feeds can take up to an hour. It's crazy, but I know there isn't anything wrong, she's just getting so interested in her surroundings.