Aside from our napping issues (posted in other board), this week has marked the start of our four-month old daughter stopping eating... She is already 18lbs (bottlefed) and literally one day last week, seemed to decide to go on a 'diet' or something. She had been steadily eating more and more, up to on 7oz bottle the week before last (on average 5.5oz per feed, every three hours) and now, she'll have one medium sized bottle (5oz) then a small one (3oz) followed by a large one (6oz). She's also been very hard to get to sleep (for the night) since this started - prior to, she'd been sleeping through and waking when we did, at 7:00am (ish). She's been 'whimpering' while falling asleep, sleeps for half an hour to forty minutes, then wakes again with a screech.
I finally lost my mind and burst into tears just half an hour ago when everything went pear-shaped. She just wouldn't eat any more, so I put her in her crib where she eventually fell asleep (with some slightly weepy shushing on my part).
I've read through these posts and wonder if this is 'just' a developmental thing, or if its sudden onset indicates something else?
Any advice will be most welcome - thank you