I've read the other posts on this topic, it seems that the 3 - 4 month mark seems to signal a change in eating habits, but I've changed nipples back and forth, checked gums for teeth, everything and it seems that everyday she eats less. I know they dont starve themselves, but still, you become so worried as before DD used to eat 180 cc (I think this is 6 OZ) 5 times a day, then from one day to the other just slowed down to 100 - 120 cc, so the doc suggested to change to 4 hour schedule, but even then, she just doesnt seem hungry...I used to not give her a DF becuase it disturbed her sleep and she woke earlier than if I didnt do a late night feed, but now Ive gone back to DF-ing just because otherwise its ridiculously little that she eats during the day. I dont want to start doing night-feedings again, and so far have managed to keep her asleep till 7am, but am worried if this continues, she will be hungry in the middle of the night.
Doe anyone else have experience with this and did it pass? She does look healthy and happy.
Thanks for any suggestions! Laura