Welcome. Who knows how long it will last. My health visitor reckons that at around 16 weeks a lot of babies go through developmental changes and become very challenging and normally it all evens out by week 20. I do find it bizarre that so many of us are going through this at the same time. Alice is taking an hour to take 3-4oz. Today with the change of bottle it has been better. It is still taking her an hour to feed, but she has taken good quantities. She has been much calmer during the feeds and has taken 6oz, 7oz and 5oz today so far.
Liz, how did you go cold turkey on the 4hour EASY, we've been thinking about doing that? She seems to get hungry towards the end of the bottle around 3 3/4 hours rather than 3 hours. How did you cope with the fact she only sleeps 40mins at a time? How long did you keep her up in between feeds? I know exactly how you feel, it is a worry. My health visitor also suggested not forcing the food into her but kind of letting her guide me as to how much she wants and when. So we do sit the hour out with each bottle and hope that during that time she'll take a decent amount.
I've been doing the dummy thing too. She'll eat a bit, then stop, cry a bit, so I'll give her the dummy, try again about 10 mins later and sometimes she takes it and sometimes she doesn't. I know what you mean about speculating as to what the problem is, we've been doing the same thing.
We had her on Infacol when she was days old and it seemed to help for a couple of days and then her wind got worse again, so we changed to the colief. We're now trying to wean her off that.
You're right that it is terrible you have to go so often for inoculations, at least here they get a good break from it. Here it's: 2,3,4,12 and 13 months.
Not counting my chickens, just yet, but at least she has been eating a lot more today. The HV is coming on Thursday to weigh her, so that'll be interesting. We'll see how she goes after she has her jabs later though. Fun, fun, fun indeed.