absolutly, I'd say that although your still moving routine on, she is getting really consistant and its not such a suprise to you when she takes a short nap
I wouldn't want to say why she woke earlier yesterday, doesn't really have to have a reason I guess. Thats what comes from over analysing
Today you can't really count her stirring at 6am then continuing to sleep, could of been cold, heating, neighbours a cat... anything really
fact is she didn't wake fully, thats all that counts.
Lily the other night cried out in the evening, she cried out quite loud then called mummy enough times that I thought I'd better go up and settle her down. When I got in her room she was actually not even really awake, just stirring and shifting position in bed and stuff. she even called out for me while I stood right there. I crept back out and she was none the wiser I'd even been there. So it goes to show sometimes you might think they have woke up but actually really they haven't