Author Topic: 2-1 transition worries (and we haven't even really started yet!)  (Read 6976 times)

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Re: 2-1 transition worries (and we haven't even really started yet!)
« Reply #60 on: September 17, 2016, 10:59:20 am »
So - tried for another 1 nap day as he did a nice 11.5 hour night and woke at 5:10am...!!!   Well, he'd been asleep since 5:40pm.

He was down after 5 minutes and seemed tired but OK.  BUT only did 35 minutes and then woke crying.  I resettled him and he did another 30 minutes then woke again (crying mama).  So I told him it was still sleepy time and he's lying down but I don't reckon he'll go back to sleep.  Is this OT do you think? 

And how on earth am I going to get him to bedtime (even a 5:30pm bedtime!?).  I don't want to really have to try the whole PM catnap fiasco but might have to at this rate.  It just doesn't really work - he normally refuses the nap or it makes the day so long that he'd get more sleep by going to bed early.

He's so rubbish at doing long naps that this whole 1 nap thing is really dodgy (was a problem for a long time with 2 naps, I remember!).  Should I just keep on trying to resettle him?  I think I had to do that when he dropped to 2 naps and I needed to lengthen one of them...

Do they get the hang of it eventually?!  I may have to alternate between 1 and 2 nap days I suppose, if he's too tired to manage 2 in a row at the moment.

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 2-1 transition worries (and we haven't even really started yet!)
« Reply #61 on: September 17, 2016, 12:28:15 pm »
Hmmm could be OT..or teething pain? What time did he go for the nap?

If you don't think he will make it to BT, I would try to APOP (car? Buggy?) even just a very, very short (10-15min) CN late afternoon to tide you over to BT. Failing that you just have to push on through with food and distractions to keep him going :-(

Re going to 1 nap, I'd try resettling as long as you can, at least it also gives quiet time. They do get the hang of it eventually but it is an unsettled time. Lots of LOs the same age as yours do well on set naps... What was your naptime the last couple of days and maybe we can think of a set routine to try?

ETA- just seen your post on 2-1 chat thread & also replied there but I think given late transition to 2 naps, we might be pushing to 1 nap too soon & maybe he does need the late pm micro nap that we have talked about before - 4,30 or 4.45 for 15mins  could still give you a 7pm BT.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 12:42:45 pm by Scottishmummy »
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Re: 2-1 transition worries (and we haven't even really started yet!)
« Reply #62 on: September 17, 2016, 16:54:45 pm »
He is teething!  Two bottom canines - one is now just poking through and he is starting the other I think.  So, yes, could's so hard to tell! I did exactly the same timings are yesterday (we had the same WU time in the morning).
WU: 5:10 ish - but in cot until 6am
In cot for 10:35 and asleep at 10:40.
He never resettled a second time, so I gave up and got him up at 12:15.

The problem with the PM catnap is he won't sleep in the buggy or car.  Had him in the buggy around 4pm anyway but no signs at all of going to sleep!  So we pushed through to bedtime (at 5:30pm again!).  He went down about 5:50pm but I suspect he's a bit OT.  He's been fine today though - but his tired signs are quite hard to read and he tends to get hyper rather than dozy!

I'm thinking of 5:30pm as a 'normal' bedtime for a baby who is awake at 5am - at least he has a chance to get a long night.  I know we've got to shift him though!!!! 

I don't exactly think he's HSN - he's just always had a problem with napping for a long period of time!  Before we did the 3-2 he was pretty much on 40 - 1h10/1h20ish - 40 and it was only when we got really settled on 2 naps that he lengthened out a bit.  I'm sure he'd be absolutely fine on 1 nap if he did 1.5 hours or more, but I suspect this won't happen very often.  It may be just a case of going for it and resettling him a lot as he settled down - I remember doing this when we first went to 2 naps - we ended up with a lot of NWs around that time, but then he settled down.

I think I'm going to have to alternate between trying an AM catnap some days and trying 1 nap on others depending on how tired he seems in the morning! 

Hope you are still getting lovely 6/7am wake ups?