Jaylabliss, Jake has gagged some and he has actually vomited three times, which at first seems really scary and horrible, but it doesn't bother him and it shows that he will not actually choke, his body gags and vomits to protect him, so it is a good thing, not a bad one.
Pauline, there is no reason you cannot do a book. Most of us do not do strict BLW, so we could call ours something like "My baby won't eat mush" or "Introducing solids with finger foods for young babies". Gill Rapley does not have to approve.
Maybe she has the term "Baby Led Weaning" tied up, but I was giving finger foods to my 5 year old when she was a baby and I had never heard of Baby Led Weaning. If you really wanted to do a book, I think there would still be a need and I am still on board to help. (I have some graphic design experience) Anyway, hope no one gets irked at me, but wanted to offer my support as you seemed disappointed.
Planning my Disney vacation and dealing with Jake's constipation.... gave him zucchinni (courgette) just sauteed in butter, he did not like it roasted. He loved it. I also made scrambled eggs with "sneaky" cawliflower puree, about 2 t. puree per egg. Emily ate them up and did not notice the puree.