Bryony - have you tried grating the veg? You could cook some carrot, for example, then grate it directly onto her tray. Or try it raw. Meatballs are a good one to sneak veggies into. Have you tried risotto? My boys just LOVE risotto and I can sneak all sorts of goodies in it. Sometimes they get through it so fast that I'm not even sure if they bother 'chewing' it at all, so I've started grating the veg in it rather than chopping, so it has at least some chance of being digested!!
Spices are fine, I'm sure. In fact, I made a barley & veg stew last night, which had cinnamon, ground ginger, cumin and ground coriander seeds in - so kind of like a mild curry I suppose. No salt required. Very yummy and, no surprise, the boys loved it! Oh and I put garlic in pretty much everything. It's such a great ingredient, being anti-biotic and anti-viral.
Lovedtodeath - that's so interesting about the 'aura' of food. I absolutely do 100% trust that actually! My boys refused raspberries, much to my astonishment, a few weeks back and it wasn't until afterwards that I heard they are a relatively common allergen. They didn't even touch them on their tray, which is unusual for them.
Off to try out that sneaky veg link... for my toddler (who was mush-fed and won't touch un-hidden veggies except for carrots, occasionally).