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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #375 on: June 24, 2010, 18:43:23 pm »
Sophie how often do you get her weighed? I took DD monthly at that age so any 'dips' went unnoticed! How many nights has she been waking for? It could just be a GS.
 As for calories she is still very young to be trying to bulk her up with solids. Can I ask how much she weighs?
 How many times a day does she have solids?

My LO was a light weight until she started solids, by time she was 9 months she was a cute ball of blubber! She's 22 months now and a heavy weight at 15kg, they soon catch up!!!
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #376 on: June 24, 2010, 20:46:56 pm »
Thanks ladies.

Whatbit, I do give meat and also fish.  I aim to give protein, carbs and fruit/veg every day. Tonight she had some chicken. Yesterday I made lamb kebabs with minced/ground meat. I also like using minced meat as it's easy to make into meat balls and kebabs and things. She loved a duck leg too and strips of thin steak, all of which she's sucked and gnawed on. The HV said to try and get cheese and cow's milk into her food. She loves avocado so I must make sure I have a supply of those in.

Marsha, I've not got her weighed very often. The last time was at 5 months  so the dip is since then. She weighs 15.5 lbs now. She was 7.1 lb at birth and at 5 months she was 14.2 so doubled in weight up to then. I do solids 3 times a day, unless for some reason I can't fit one in. I don't think she notices if I miss one. Maybe she does, though. It's hard to tell. I do wonder if I should leave out dinner as after her pm nap, she's usually awake for 3 hours before BT and in that time I do her 3rd BF, solids and then bed time BF. I have worried sometimes that her bedtime feed might be compromised because of either being rushed or because she's not hungry as solids finished about 30 mins before, with her then hungry later in the night. Can't work out a routine that is different to this unfortunately. She's been waking for about 5 nights now. I thought about GS but she's not mad for BF in the day. Also, when she has a feed at say 3am, she's then not interested in morning feed. I felt a tooth come through today, so could it be a comfort thing.

Kami, the leading expert on BLW in the UK is clear that it can and should be started at 6 months or from when a baby can sit up, take food and put it in their mouths. What's the advice where you are?  The nurses at my doctors surgery that led the weaning session said to start BLW at 6 months too. Can't imagine not giving her solids now, as she absolutely loves it. She doesn't take purees so it's this way or no way. I started giving formula at night as OH gave a bottle and when I expressed I never had enough for a feed. Also, I hate expressing with a passion, so I often hadn't done it in time for the feed, so the DF just became formula, sometimes with breastmilk added. I've stopped pumping now for DF, as when I was doing it I'd get 1oz. For BT, I have a bottle of formula at the ready as, again, I'm worried about supply (I've done lots to work on it) and have it as a kind of back up. Sometimes, like tonight, she was on the boob, then on the bottle, on the boob, then the bottle. All her choice. She sees it and then grabs it to her, so I go with it.  I'm thinking about stopping BF soon though as I'm going back to work for a bit in July and I don't think I'm going to pump there.

This has strayed a bit from BLW. Sorry moderator!

Thanks again for your advice on this.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #377 on: June 25, 2010, 00:31:11 am »

My DD is like that too, won't touch puree or anything but the boob coming from me! ;D I was a little worried at first cuz "everyone else's" kids were eating a ton and she stopped gaining as fast as she had up to the 6 mo. point. Plus she didn't really start eating much of anything until just last week.  But she's in 6-9 mo. clothes so I figure she's OK. :) It's easy to worry about everything!!! But be glad she loves to eat and loves variety - that's what I love most about BLW.

Anyway, don't know if that helps - just thot I'd throw it out there that my DD is in the same boat. We can just plod along together.  ;)


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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #378 on: June 25, 2010, 00:57:56 am »
we dont do any BLW until 8.5-9 m/o i think for choking reasons maybe? idk you have to wait until they have teeth and can sit up unaided...but still about 9 m/o here. i dont think i could have given DD a piece of chicken to eat at 6 m/o...
most people do puree at 6 m/o so if you wanted BLW you hold off till 9 m/o. some wait until 12 m/o...i was contemplating that one too b/c DD has a sensitive digestive track but decided the solids would benefit the reflux so we went for it. either way BM is superior to solid food, if you formula feed they need solids at 6 m/o or it can damage their kidneys.
thats too bad about the BFing i will be doing CLW with that.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #379 on: June 25, 2010, 01:53:46 am »
Sophie, my ds is 10 mths and his weight dropped drastically! At birth he was 40% on the charts, dropping bit by bit until now at 10 mths he is at 15%! My 4 yr old dd was the same. My ped said not to worry, she actually warned me before he turned 6 mths that his weight would probably drop off, most babies do because they get active and start to roll around and move around lots. If you are bfing to hunger (so, not by the clock but by hunger which should naturally be about every 3-4 hrs in the day and NOT to every cry and wimper) and if you are feeding solids until they show they are no longer interested, then it can be very normal for weight to drop off (according to my ped). I have friends that have plump babies, they bf, they give formula, and they SHOVEL tons of food into their los and pry their mouths open even when you can tell the lo is not interested in the food- this isn't good as they are force feeding. The best way is to read their cues and follow their appetite. On a side note, would you and/or your husband be slim? Los take after parents. BTW, my ds is 10 months and 18 pounds, 4 ounces.

My ped told us to increase weight in los under 12 months you need to offer extra bfing, not solids, and to increase weight in los after 12 months you need to offer extra calories in their solids. When my dd was a baby and I was concerned/worried about her weight she told us to go for the higher calorie foods- ie. sweet potato instead of squash, and for chicken- to use the thigh or back meat instead of the breast meat as it's fattier. So, go after the higher fat and higher calorie foods. I sort of do it now for ds, I have to be honest though, it doesn't make a difference. I am not so worried that ds is 15% on the chart, I got over the worry with lo#1, she's now 4 and slim. Dh and I are slim, our kiddies will probably never be chubby or fat!

I do a combo of some purees and BLW with ds just to make sure he is getting some food. I do higher calorie purees- sweet potato, lentils, meat, and I add avocodo to my veggie purees or fruit purees. Ds never gets food such as plain carrot puree, it's just not enough calories! For his finger foods I give him fruits, steamed veggies, breads, pasta, beans, we have not done meat as a ff yet because he has no teeth and he still gags on meat pieces. So, the ffs are really low in calories as they are plain and simple foods, this is why I do the purees. I also added an extra bfing session in the morning and it's a regular extra feed now but he is not as interested in his last bf because like you, it's too close to his solids. With all this I think he has not gained extra weight, I think he is just maintaining his VERY slow weight gain.

Los can actually follow BLW at 6 months, or as long as they can sit up so they don't choke. Contrary to what some think, los do not need any teeth! My ds is 10 mths and has no teeth, los without teeth learn to mash food against the roof of their mouths.  Waiting to offer finger foods past 9 months may be harder on a lo as the prime age for ffs is 8-9 months because this is the optimum age for when they really learn to use their fingers to pick up food.
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #380 on: June 25, 2010, 17:09:33 pm »
First Time Mom - thanks for such a helpful post. Even tho I said I wasn't worried, just weighed DD today and she's only gained a pound in 2.5 months (dropped a bit since I last weighed). She is awfully active these days!

You mentioned not giving carrots or low calorie stuff - just wondering here since carrots is the only veggie DD will eat, should I keep it up? The only high calorie thing she likes is avocado - I just give her thick slices and she chomps away. Otherwise it's mostly fruit - doesn't even really like bread cuz it sticks...

How do you (any of you) prepare lentils?

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #381 on: June 25, 2010, 17:24:33 pm »
There's nothing wrong with carrots, especially if it's the only veggie your dd will eat, I just gave carrots as an example of a food I don't give on it's own because it is not high in calories, but carrots have great vitamins! If your dd will eat avocado then that's great, it's higher in calories, so carrots given with something else is great.

For example lunch today- I gave Graydon cheese, blueberries, bread, and beans but he didn't feel like eating the beans or the cheese today, so he only ate a few blueberries and less than 1/2 a slice of plain toast, which isn't much, so I added pureed sweet potatoes mixed with about an ounce of breast milk and he ate that off a spoon while he continued to play with his ffs.

For the lentils I just rinse the lentils first and add them to boiling water, cook until soft. I don't add anything to them, I take out his portion and then I add margarine and salt to mine :). I love lentils! Not sure how long it actually takes to cook, I've never watched the clock, but it doesn't seem long, maybe the same time as rice?
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #382 on: June 26, 2010, 05:28:10 am »
Our LOs weight also dropped suddenly at around 7 months and was fairly low on the weight charts so that I started to worry. My ped wasn't too worried and she also mentioned that there will be soon new growths charts that omit all the big babies because there have been more and more and they screw up the curve. So I wouldn't worry too much. And as First time mom said, I was also very thin as a baby and turned out ok. Hayden's weight dropped when we started solids and we did the same as first time mom. We offered purree whenever he didn't eat much just to top up a bit. He is still low on the charts but he looks healthy and happy and not starved. Just keep doing what you do, maybe be a bit more concious about the calories (even though I am not really) and she will turn out just fine.
Manuela - Hayden (02 July 2009), Lukas (27 July 2011)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #383 on: June 26, 2010, 11:33:00 am »
On a side note, would you and/or your husband be slim? Los take after parents. BTW, my ds is 10 months and 18 pounds, 4 ounces.

Thanks First Time Mom for a really reassuring post. And yes, I'm slim and, in fact, the health visitor looked at me and said I was skinny so I was never going to have a big baby. But my OH is getting porkier but has been slimmer!!!

Do you have purees ready to give at each meal. LO really isn't keen on being spoon fed but I've been giving a fruit yoghurt at lunch or breakfast and she's getting loads better at taking a loaded spoon and actually feeding herself, rather than covering herself.

Manueli, thanks for sharing your experience too. It's interesting about changing the charts there to take out the big babies.

For the last couple of days DD hasn't been too interested in food at dinner time but really into it at lunchtime. I gave her pizza for lunch yesterday. Probably not the best but the salt was okay given the amount she was going to have. She really devoured it. In the evening I tried her with butternut squash risotto, rolling balls of the rice up and giving it to her. I think she might have liked it had she not been off dinner at the moment. Even the trusty broccoli was ignored!

By the way, she's slept through for the past 2 nights until 8am. Woohoo.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #384 on: June 26, 2010, 13:05:48 pm »
low weight? Oh, that's my dd. She's so itty..she was born 5.5 lbs ..but I think is barely 18 lbs by her first birthday. Her bfing AND solids intake has dropped dramatically :'(

I think it's normal to dip though. My niece is 4 years old and is 30 lbs...she is tiny. Her mom's very slender though.

Genetics ::)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #385 on: June 26, 2010, 13:19:33 pm »
My niece is 4 years old and is 30 lbs...she is tiny. Her mom's very slender though.
Oh my, really? Apparently I wasn't 20lb before I was a year old, DD takes after her daddy's side of the family which is get chunky then grow! BLW has suited her, no weight loss at all!!!
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #386 on: June 30, 2010, 17:54:05 pm »
Anyone still out there?  :D

Has anyone with a 8.5 mo. old given raisins yet? Not sure she'd be able to gum them up.

Since DD likes carrots (frozen puree) I tried a veggie mix with carrots, gr. beans and peas. It's mostly carrot - quite orange - but no go! The little stinker!  ::)

Since she likes frozen cubes so much, I'm gonna try freezing yogurt and cereal mix - wish me luck!  ;D

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #387 on: June 30, 2010, 18:33:26 pm »
lol im here i think raisins are a no no until at least 1 (choking hazard)

btw Sophie i think you said you give your 6 m/o cows milk before? if im wrong sorry, but if you do that can cause serious health problems...

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #388 on: June 30, 2010, 18:37:42 pm »
No on the raisins.  I've done dried apricots... but I cut them into quarters and let them sit in boiling water to rehydrate them a bit first.  You could probably do soemthing similar for the raisins, but I would be careful with them.

So, DS likes corn but gets super frustrated picking it up (starts smackign the tray and everythign goes flying when he gets upset...).  I tried giving him a quarter of a cob last night and he couldn't get much off since he's just started getting his teeth.  Any suggestions regarding corn?

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 6!
« Reply #389 on: June 30, 2010, 19:03:00 pm »

thanks ladies - I kept reading about doing things w/ raisins and my mommy brain kept saying "not a good idea"... hmm...

not sure about the corn - except maybe just give it along with things that aren't so hard to eat?  it's good practice after all... DD loves cottage cheese  but she also gets frustrated with it and will start swishing it away when she's "done". so I usually give her that first and then on to the frozen puree cubes which she loves and can hold easily...