Nauvoo06, to be honest, i haven't gotten a clue how i'm going to go about mixing up the one and two nap days...i'm really just flying by the seat of my pants here. And really, I don't know how or when Caleb became such a good napper...but i'm not convinced it's permanent, things ALWAYS change.
When we do 2naps, this is what I aim for:
7am (ish) wake
then about 4hours A time
11am-11:30am nap 1
then about 3 hours A time (this is where our day usually goes floppy, as i can seem to find the magic A time and so he'll play and play in his crib and usually will fall asleep somewhere in the 3h-3.5h Atime range)
2:30-3ish to 4-4:30ish nap 2
then bedtime is 3.5-4hours later
One nap day:
7am wake (but i usually only try the one nap if his waking is later, like 7:30-8am)
then 4.5-5hours A time, do a light lunch in there and try to stretch him out as much as possible, but still not too much that he gets OT.....tricky game!! And the longer he stays up (without getting OT), the longer he today, we did around 4.5h Atime and he woke on his own after 2h45, but then yesterday we were closer to 5 hours A time and I had to wake him, as he was getting close to 3 hours day sleep.
And then bedtime has been around 5hours later, but i don't think this is the right A time for him...getting bedtime issues and not getting good night lengths. So, not really sure i'd call this a complete success, but thanks anyways!
On a side note, I just had to go in to him (10pm)....during the last few days, he's been rolling over completely on his stomach and it must startled him cause he wakes crying, then goes onto his knees and then sits up screaming, in a panic. I just have to pick him up and he's fast asleep on my shoulder, i put him back down no problem. I know the rolling on the stomach is the exact cause, because i've seen him do it while watching the video monitor. I just find it strange that at almost 13 months, he doesn't know how to lie down again??? Has anyone else gone through this and what can I do to help him learn the process on his own....i think i'm just becoming a prop!