Author Topic: Just me... again...  (Read 12208 times)

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2010, 11:02:09 am »
I am just popping in to add another vote for the chiro.  I hope it works a miracle for you, but even if it doesn't there is no harm done. Just a healthier body.
Like your DS, my DD has complete fear of Drs. and all things medical.  As in, has a total meltdown at the sight of her pediatrician's waiting room door. Freaks out in a public restroom if it has bright lights like an exam room. We have been seeing a chiro regularly now for several months, and in the beginning she did her usual freaking out at the sight of him.  But each time she cried a little less, became a little calmer, slowly realizing he was never going to hurt her.  Now, I'm so happy to say that she doesn't cry at all when we go to see him. In fact, she's all smiles.  It's been a really positive experience overall. It's been so amazing to watch her start to trust someone.  It's helped us immensly health-wise too.

Hugs to you and your family.  I do hope these sleep issues work our sooner than later.

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2010, 11:30:02 am »
Can I send you my chiro?   He is so fantastic that my kids fight over who gets to have a 'b'justment' first :).  He is so gentle and he talks right to them, shakes their hand and looks them in the eye. It all makes him so trustworthy to them!

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #77 on: July 26, 2010, 15:31:23 pm »
Just needed some support today.  :(

DS is just getting worse I fear.  I'm now stressing that this is going to go on for years and it's ruining my life.  I went out on Friday night for my work's end of year do and I am just so tired now I wish I hadn't gone.  DH is exhausted too and I just see no light at the end of the tunnel.  I feel like a failure offering support and suggestions to other people when my own little boy won't do it.

 :'(  :'(  :'(

I haven't even had chance to talk to DH properly about a chiro either. :(

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #78 on: July 26, 2010, 16:03:43 pm »

Couldn't read and not post. Please don't beat yourself up and don't ever feel like a faillure. It's actually wonderfull that you are able to offer support and encouragement to others when you're having such a rough time.

Sorry for not being able to help ... You and your family are in my prayers, i hope things get easier for you very soon, you deserve it so much !


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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #79 on: July 26, 2010, 16:28:24 pm »
Getting worse how Laura? I'm so sorry to hear that - it must be SO hard. And you totally are a supermom, helping others here and being such an awesome mama for your boy. I'd definitely look into the chiro ASAP, certainly can't hurt. BIG hugs and kisses.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #80 on: July 26, 2010, 17:01:22 pm »
 :'( :'(  Many hugs, Laura!  I'm sorry you're having a tough day!

Do try not to feel like a failure.  I can't imagine how hard it is at your house!  You've tried everything possible to help your sweet DS, and I think many agree it's not the routine that's causing the problems.  You are overqualified to lend your advice here!  You give great support and suggestions, and you are very encouraging to others! 

More ((hugs))!!!

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #81 on: July 26, 2010, 17:16:30 pm »
Big hugs are amazing!!!! whats Oliver at now? i know its not really a routine issue but maybe something will jump out just to help him not get worse!  :-*

Offline Tweakster

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2010, 17:40:09 pm »
Laura shhh no more of that bad self-talk :-)  None of the people you are supporting (or very few of the people) have a LO who has an immune disorder so you are certainly not a failure for giving advice that may not work on your LO!  What works for one doesn't work for another, and certainly not a LO who may not be well.  I dole out tons of advice, sometimes I feel like I am talking out my you know what because really about 1% of what I say works or has worked for Finn.  But it sounds lovely on paper and can be a great help to someone who has a LO that it may be of use to.  So don't give up the advising, we rely on you ;-)  Your encouragement alone has helped me through a lot of rough times. 

Sorry you are having a rough day.  You know that lack of sleep makes everything a billion times worse so hopefully you can get some rest from your late night!

Take a moment and talk to your DH, anything that has not yet been tried should be I think :-)
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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2010, 20:57:38 pm »
Getting worse how Laura?
Well there are many nights when I can hear him and then go back to sleep cos he is relatively quiet, but it's getting to the point (again) where he's very noisy and so either I go in and out of sleep or it just keeps us awake.  He seems to go through periods of this more noisy waking on and off, just it's frustrating knowing there is NOTHING you can do and still not being able to sleep iykwim?

Lucy - routine is still pretty much the same
Exclude any NWs
Wake 6am (ish)
Nap 11.30am - for 1hr 15mins - 1hr 30mins (last week we got 2x 1 hr 45mins - he had very bad nights)
Bed 6.30/45pm usually asleep within 15mins
          Today though was
wake 6am
nap 11.30-12.55
bed 6.50pm - took till 7.20pm and was a bit wired (and hot I think!)

So day to day nothing really changes.  On the days he had longer naps I *should've* in hindsight put him to bed later as it was taking him 30-40mins to settle - which is ok for him as he just get on with it, so used to it in the night I guess ::) just me that finds it frustrating!

Thank you for your kind and sweet words, just having a low day.

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2010, 23:22:46 pm »
just it's frustrating knowing there is NOTHING you can do and still not being able to sleep iykwim?

Frustrating for sure!

Laura, could you and DH take turns wearing ear plugs while you sleep, so you don't hear it?  Maybe do something like each person gets two nights on, two nights off.  Then, one of you gets some uninterrupted sleep for more than a night (so it's a little more restful) and the other can still hear in case there is something O needs.

DH travels some for work, so he always has ear plugs around and when DD has had a particularly rough night or an EW, he'll put them in during the night and then get up with her in the morning, and I'll put some in in the morning so I can sleep a little more even though they're up and making noise. 

Just a thought!

Offline LizzieN

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2010, 06:44:13 am »
Oh hugs to you sweetie, agree with all the other mums you are amazing and the advice you give is so so helpful and encouraging xxx  We all love you sweetheart and hope that this gets easier soon xxxxxxx

Just one word on chiro please be sure to either get a recommendation or check out all the credentials first.. I know they can get absolutely amazing results but like all deep manipulation if not done properly can cause problems...Not trying to be a downer 'cause as I posted I have heard of one case where the baby couldn't sleep prior, so I know it can be amazing xx

Big big big hugs lovely,

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2010, 07:38:45 am »
Oh (((((((((((((Laura)))))))))))))) you must be so tired  :'(, I really feel for you. 

Nap 11.30am - for 1hr 15mins - 1hr 30mins (last week we got 2x 1 hr 45mins - he had very bad nights)
Bed 6.30/45pm usually asleep within 15mins
          Today though was
wake 6am
nap 11.30-12.55
bed 6.50pm - took till 7.20pm and was a bit wired (and hot I think!)

So day to day nothing really changes.  On the days he had longer naps I *should've* in hindsight put him to bed later as it was taking him 30-40mins to settle - which is ok for him as he just get on with it, so used to it in the night I guess ::) just me that finds it frustrating!

I know that this doesn't help the bigger issue - but I was just wondering if actually the slightly longer naps when he is so shattered because of rough nights don't make up for much, and then he still needs an ealier night rather than a later one  ???.  Because an extra 15 minutes isn't much, and then he's still acting OT at bedtime?  I know that tossing and turning *can* sometimes be a sign of UT, but after a rough night and relatively early morning would it would seem more likely OT here  :-\?

You're doing so well at looking after him through all this Laura


Offline babybarr

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #87 on: July 27, 2010, 10:32:43 am »
but I was just wondering if actually the slightly longer naps when he is so shattered because of rough nights don't make up for much, and then he still needs an ealier night rather than a later one
Anything is worth a shot!!  I'll try to keep an early bt next time he has a better nap and see what happens.  Thank you for your post Claire, I know you have a lot on atm and you are in my thoughts :-*

Are earplugs not uncomfortable to sleep in?  DH does have some but he couldn't get on with them - I'm sure there must be a comfortable version?!

Lizzie - thanks as always.  I'll bear what you said in mind.  I don't know of anyone who's LO has seen a chiro so maybe our drs surgery could recommend one ???

Feel marginally more upbeat this morning despite another EW!  EWs didn't *tend* to happen in this house but they are becoming more frequent and that certainly isn't helping!

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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #88 on: July 27, 2010, 10:40:57 am »
Earplugs are only uncomfortable if you haven't got them in right :)  Personally, I prefer the foam ones, but they can be a faff to insert correctly and you might have to give them a bit of a jiggle :)
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Re: Just me... again...
« Reply #89 on: July 27, 2010, 11:56:28 am »
So sorry yo uare so exhausted, it woudl be nice to know whether things will improve. I can't fidn the other thread btu  Irang the clinic agian today, still the answering machine :( Maybe an email to them would help?