Hi all my son Ethan is 53 weeks old and things have gone wrong, he has always been a short napper starting at 2 months old at 45mins then dropping to 30mins and for the last 2 months are down to 20-25mins long. He jolts a lot in his sleep and when watching him I see at the 20min mark he throws his arms in the air and then makes himself jump and then is so shocked he can't resettle. To tackle the short naps we have tried W2S, HTTJ, leaving to cry for 10-15mins, resettling, going to 2 naps less A time and more A time the only thing that has had some success is rocking him to sleep in the push chair and then rocking him at 20 and 30 minuites, but then he woke at 45min to live with the short naps we have been giving him 3 short naps, and that was working quite well. He was quite happy, but for the last week he has been screaming before his naps for upto 20mins. I find it so hard and feel so upset by his crying and when it is only followed by a 20min nap its just not worth it. On the plus side he sleeps great at night for 11hrs although this is sometimes less on bad nap days. Ethan is also an early waker if I put him down early so I have been keeping him up until 7pm so we get a 6am wake up. My main questions are if I drop to 2 naps and they are both 20 mins I struggle to keep him up until after 6.30 and then we get 5.30am wake up and what could be causing the crying before naps he used to just chat himself to sleep. Ethan self soothes to sleep with no props. Our routine for the last month has been
Wake 6 am
Nap 8.30 (25 mins)
Nap 12.00 (30 mins)
Nap 3.30 (20mins)
Bed 7pm
Thanks for your help laura