Sorry but I just need to vent for a mo!
So Thursday O didn't have a nap due to being up the hospital, he didn't even fall asleep in the car on the way home and was in a really good mood. He was asleep by 6.25pm (minutes after laying his head on the bed!) but he then woke at 2am and was awake for an hour, I gave him meds as he's still not quite right and then he was up for the day at 6.30am
Yesterday - no nap again due to the plumber being here
again, he was fine, no meltdowns a little hyper right before bed but nothing major, asleep by 6.30pm awake at 2am ish again and awake for I don't know how long - gave meds again, and then he was awake for the day at 6am.
Now I actually don't have a problem with him not having a nap as he generally seems to handle it well but I just don't get why he is *still* doing these prolonged NWs. I mean is 11hrs in 24 enough for a 2.75yr old? I don't know....
Thoughts please! (that is if you have any thoughts on the subject left