So historically DS is a shocking sleeper (I know most of you know that already

) and despite my best efforts we are *still* having long NWs most nights of the week. It's got. to. stop. I cannot take much more sleep deprivation

We have been toying with the idea of no nap but it has actually only happened twice this week with varying degrees of success...
I'll post our last few days (well as best I can remember!)
No nap
6.30pm asleep - a long NW >1hr
7am ish wake
3.15pm nap 30mins (on way home from ILs)
7.30pm asleep STTN
Wake 6am
12-1pm nap
7.15pm STTN
Wake 6.15am
no nap (and was in a great mood even right up till bed!)
asleep 6.30pm long NW
7am wake
12.30-1.30pm nap
7.30pm asleep woke twice both for >30mins
6am wake
11.30-12.25pm nap
7pm asleep STTN
6am wake
11.45am nap
So I don't know what to do - there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it
Tues was a good day - he'd slept well mon night and was fine without a nap but then he woke in the night....
So do I try without a nap full stop for a few days or do I go to a 45min nap and see if that helps. He settles really quickly at night with no nap but when he's had a nap it can take a while
(sorry that's turned into a really long post
