What times are you going for?
I was thinking of putting the first nap at 9. He usually (fingers crossed) gets up around 6:30-6:45 so that would be a bit of a short first A but I'm willing to try it. Although he can also get up at 5:30 so if he does, I might put him down closer to 8:45 so that he doesn't become OT and push it to 9 over a couple of days. I'm also hoping for a shorter first nap and a longer second nap, I'm assuming he might nap for 1h after this short first A, and that then he can do 10-1 second A and nap 1-3. Maybe I'm wrong, but I like using these set times since they're supposed to be the natural sleep window, but I know that if he naps for more than 1h first nap, he won't be getting a good second nap either. So I'll be willing to adjust as we go of course, and transition smoothly into it. DD will be back in daycare next week so I'll try it, we'll see if we can fit it in naturaly or if we need some longer transition.
I don't know if the 1h15 naps are because of short sleep cycles, but he seems to be able to take *some* 1h30 once in a while so I guess that wouldn't be the case
He definitely is a unhappy baby around 5-7PM, CN or no CN, so I'm hoping maybe this is the reason why? I guess we'll see in time
Will keep you posted how it goes thanks for the advice