Just been catching up on eeryone's news.
Aishi, that's a really weird NW pattern. I usually think OT shows itself in early NWs and def before 12. Did she go back to sleep every time? That's what counts with NWs I always feel. We tend to get 2-3 NWs when OT, but he needs feeding 2 out of those 3, so it's quite different to you I think. Sounds like she's disrupted by the timing to BT, right? If you think she's sensitive to the later night, you'd be right to preserve an earlier BT if you can. I'm not sure how disruptive nap capping can be - depends on LO? I tend to let Benji sleep as long as he needs and go for the later BT but it's coming up to after 7.30 now too, so I'm in a similar boat. It's a difficult one.
Jessmum, I've been reading all your news and sorry - HUGS - to hear about these 1HR20 naps etc. It does sound like those are UT naps to me. Been thinking about you a lot, trying to figure this out!! Didn't you once say your LO has never really done particularly long naps? So, if she is happy and STTN on shorter naps, is it possible that those daytime naps will lengthen on their own over time as she needs it? Sorry if that sounds lame, but am thinking again of my friend whose baby never did more than 45 min naps. Then, on one nap, it took him a couple of months to get to 2hrs...??
Mycatmonet - I was just wondering if that first AT is a little short at 4HR 20?
We are doing okay here. I am a little confused about when to put BEnji down if he needs a CN? We have had lots of one nap days with good naps and he goes to BT 4HR 40 after a 2.5HR + nap with only one NW (this is good for us). So I wonder what his normal pm AT would now be when we next have to go for a CN? How do I work this out? It was 4HRS a few weeks ago but since then we have only done UT CNs from short naps. If we have a long 2 nap day, should I just guess his pm AT at 4HR 15 and hope??