A bit of Google found this from Reflux Rebels!
http://refluxrebels.com/Acid_reflux/Acid_reflux_formula_thickening.htmlHomemade Gel Thickener Recipe
One of our mom's was given this recipe at the children's hospital after a swallow study. This is a hypoallergenic and tasteless type of thickener. Xanthan gum is derived from corn, so if your baby has a confirmed corn allergy, this thickener may not be recommended. It does not add extra calories to the formula.
This recipe will make 64 ounces for about $5 and contains no preservatives. It is best to make 16 ounce batches at a time to maintain freshness, and it must be stored in the refrigerator. One tablespoon will thicken 4 ounces of formula to a nectar consistency, and two tablespoons will thicken it to a honey consistency.
2 tablespoons of xanthan gum powder (store in freezer)
16 ounces of water
Place the water in a blender and have it going when you add the xanthan gum. Blend until it reaches a gel consistency. Store it in the fridge.
This will produce a batch of gel thickener that you can mix into any drink. Depending on how thick you need the fluid will determine how much of the gel to use. For honey-like consistnecy add 1 tablespoon of gel per 2 ounces of liquid and shake. For nectar-like consistency add 1 tablespoon of gel per 4 ounces of fluid.
You can thicken ahead of time as the bottle will not continue to thicken as it does with cereal thickening.
The shaking to blend can trap air bubbles in the fluid and contribute to extra gas for your infant. If you suspect this, add Simethicone drops to each bottle. (Mylicon - found in any store)
* Xanthan gum can be purchased at many stores (gluten-free section) or online at
http://www.barryfarm.com/thickeners.htm**Each 4oz. bag should make 128 ounces of thickener.