I guess my question is how do I push in nap time to noon when he's waking at 515. he's with me all day and I don't think I could get him to last until noon
I third pushing slowly by 10/15 minutes. I know it's hard to keep them up that long. When first transitioning to 1 nap on weekends, it was rough for us because DD would fuss well before noon, when I know she would be happy at that time if at daycare. I find that I have to take her outside or give a snack or something to distract her.
What happens if you offer a higher intensity activity in the morning? Will he nap better then?
I keep reminding myself that they are this small for such a short time that I need to chill out a bit or I'll spend all my time worrying about sleep :-)
This is what I keep telling myself. I spent my entire maternity leave worrying about DD's poor naps (40 minute naps). I wish I would have relaxed a bit more back then and just enjoyed my maternity leave. I was so obsessed back then that we hardly ever went anywhere because I wanted to give her the optimal conditions to nap better/ longer. I even stayed in her room in the dark for the duration of her short naps to see if I could fix anything (that's how I found out that her sleep cycle is 40 minutes).
She started daycare at 4 months and short napped everyday there (until she transitioned to 1 nap), but I had to let go of worrying because it was out of my control. I remember feeling so frustrated at the daycare staff because they took my concerns regarding her short naps so lightly. My DH had to keep reminding me to relax because it's out of my hands. At that time, I even considered quitting my job just to be home with her... LOL!