Hello all...
my Little spirited lady is a the 18 month sleep regression + molar teething + getting over a summer congestion cold...fun fun fun...
She is on the tail end of her cold, and I worked really REALLY hard to settle her in her room only, and I did that, but I've had to keep her upright with her face down on my chest in the cuddle chair until she is asleep, then move her into her crib....I've tried a little PU/PD, but she just screams...(like limbs are being torn off) as soon as I put her down, even if I keep a hand on her back etc....
We really never had to do PU/PD, or WI/WO with her...so both seem to be royally peeving her off.
She has always been a comfort thumb sucker, and when she gets tired, she sticks her thumb in her mouth and usually puts a hand down my blouse and nuzzles in.
She still goes down for naps with ease...she is ready for her naps (12-1:30)...at 11:45 I take her up after a mini lunch, and she just pops her thumb in snuggles with me for 5 seconds, I put her in her crib fully awake and she drifts off happily herself without a peep...
USUALLY, night is like this as well as long as I hit her sleep window. I know it sounds nuts..but she goes to sleep exactly 6hrs after waking from her nap...so I wake her at 1:30 = 7:30 bedtime. When I try to put her down earlier than that...she just cries/screams if I try to put her into her crib - or if I hold her, she will play with me, talk, babble, sing etc.... But since her cold we've been doing a calm nuzzle to sleep in the chair, then I transfer her to the crib....how to do get back to our usual way of bedtime? How come she is still napping fine, but not night sleeping the same way? I would better understand if both were upside down, but struggling to understand the good naps, but poor bedtime settling. she usually goes down for the night as mentioned around 7:30, after 6 hrs A time....and sleeps until 6:30...so 11hrs night sleep, 1.5 hours day sleep...but I DO need to wake her at 1:5 hours...because she is usually out cold and would sleep longer if I let her...but then she won't go to sleep at night until 8-9pm....and still gets up around 6-6:30 regardless of bedtime...I've tried putting to bed earlier it never works out...as mentioned, she is a spirited/angel type 18 months old next week.
I appreciated you all reading/reviewing this!