Author Topic: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3  (Read 72684 times)

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Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #90 on: August 23, 2016, 13:16:38 pm »

Sorry you've not had any replies yet, this thread is quiet at the you want to copy your post on to the main board and start a thread there for advice/suggestions?

I think that 5.45 Wu might be a little UT..she seems to breaking her night sleep then making up for it by sleeping in. Not sure what to suggest..will she resettle quicker if you go in or does that just keep her awake longer?

Someone else here suggested more activity in the afternoon/early evening to tire her out more?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Bella89

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #91 on: August 24, 2016, 05:37:37 am »
Hi there,
I would leave her be to be honest. At this age, I doubt WTS would work. Mine got to old for it at 10mo:/
Saddly, I think she is getting enough sleep from 7:30-6:30. I personally would push the nap by 30min and make the BT 8ish. I say this from experience, so my DS could differ, but it would only make sense. To me she seems UT 6:30 and wants to get up. Do you come in when she calls for you? I ask, because when you don't she could be going back to sleep out of boredom.

Offline Laura_kap

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #92 on: August 25, 2016, 16:55:31 pm »
the last 2 mornings I tried wake-to-sleep, and ruffled her feathers at 4:30...she did fall back asleep and I was hopeful - but again, up for the day at 5:45-6:15....she usually sucks her thumbs or plays quietly until 6:45-7am when my son gets up (3.5 years old) and we start our day.  occasionally she will fall back asleep, but usually soon as she hears him, she's up and calling for him.

I'll try more activity and a bit later bedtime (8ish) and see if that helps....the issues is that she wakes from her nap at that too much A time from 1:30/2-8pm?

Offline Bella89

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #93 on: August 26, 2016, 20:44:09 pm »
Might be, but if she starts her day 8:30 you have some room to push her nap to a later time. Just an idea.
If you don't feel comfortable with it, start with activity. There is never a harm in it :)

Offline LittleM

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #94 on: September 26, 2016, 10:02:03 am »
joining this thread with a question (or five!!)  My DD (17.5 months) looks like she is hitting the sleep regression  :(
She has been an independent sleeper for about a year now, although I always sat in the room while she fell asleep (she had bad reflux and I was desperately worried about her getting upset if I left the room, and vomitting - happened more than once).
Anyway - about 2 weeks ago she started getting very upset when I put her down for her nap / sleep.  Screaming blue murder, throwing herself against the cot sides, trying to climb out etc. Totally inconsolable.  I have managed to work it so that I can calm her down with cuddles and then lay my hand on her while she falls asleep.  But this is often taking 45 mins to an hour and it's killing me!!  She starts crying if I move my hand away, and reaches out to put it back in exactly the place she likes it on her back  ::)
Her day time nap has become shorter - although still usually doing 1.5 hours, and then when I get her down at night, she does sleep through (usually 7pm - 5:30/6am)
But the putting her to sleep is distressing. 
Any advice?  My husband is in with her now and I can hear her howling :(
tia x

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2016, 18:42:47 pm »
Sorry you've not had any replies yet, this thread is a bit quiet at the moment, do you want to start s thread on the main board?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline LittleM

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2016, 15:33:37 pm »
thanks :)

Offline KYKatydid

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #97 on: December 23, 2016, 02:46:46 am »
We've hit the 18 mo sleep regression a little early! Bub has always hit his a little early. We recently night weaned, and he was sleeping great from 730P to 530P with no nursing, which was amazing, and something he had never done before! We felt like we hit our stride!

And then he started waking up at the 1.5 hour mark during naps, and thought "okay, naps, not so bad" sometimes he would go back down with just a little consoling (hold once calm, no more than 2 mins, or even just a "lay back down please" and a back rub for a moment), but now it has bled into night time wakings.

He is up periodically, sometimes he goes down quick, others not, and this morning his day started at 5A after fighting for about 45 mins. I know he CAN sleep. We've had success with PU/PD before, and just thinking this is one of those times to enforce it? And he would nap for about 2-2.5 hours during the day, so should we be putting him to bed sooner? Especially since he's wanting to wake up earlier? Or "stick to the schedule" I struggle with knowing when to give and when to stick to said schedule.  ???

Offline Jouena

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #98 on: January 11, 2017, 18:12:55 pm »
It's been a while since I asked the Forum for help.
But 18 mo SR is no joke for a first time mom :(
Jude is exactly 18months old. Sleep issues began over a month ago, maybe even 2 and I haven't realized it is the infamous SR untill recently.
   He transitioned to 1 nap fairly easily. Then he caught a cold. That's when night wakings started which I thought was normal under the circumstances. He also suffered a sinus infection for 2 weeks around Christmas. And I attended to his wakings, naturally. But he's been waking up at odd times every night since. The worst is that he wakes up between 4.30 and 5.30am!
   So, if it's 4.30 I feed him to sleep and he sleeps till 7am. Which could have been great, only it isn't. It throws all our day off as his perfect WU is 6am. If it's 5-5.30 WU, that's when we start the day, screwing the schedule again, of course.
   I tried to let him cry to enforce the 6am WU, but he wines for 40 min to an hour and then bursts into real crying which won't cease untill I get him.
    His nap has not been affected, though. He takes one 1.5-2h nap a day, consistently. Neither does he fight bedtime, 7pm it is as it was.
   So, I guess my case is not too bad and I should not complain, but these early wakings are draining at this point.
   This thread reminded me of Wake-to-Sleep which had helped us in the past, so I'll try that :)
   Thank you all who has read up to this point!! Seems like it was more a "need to vent" post, than a real "Need help!" one :)
   But I appreciate any advice and input you might have!!
Hugs and hot chocolate to all of you, mommies, who are in the same boat!!

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 18 month sleep regression support thread-part 3
« Reply #99 on: January 22, 2017, 07:17:12 am »
Sorry you didn't get replies. This thread is quiet right now.

How are things going now?

FWIW now I think I'd try to stop giving early feeds as this can become a habit and reinforce EW. I'd try walk in walk out instead of leaving to cry: Toddlers: Walk In/Walk Out vs. The Gradual Withdrawal Method (HOW TO CHOOSE)

HTH. Please post on main board for more support if needed xx
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD