Author Topic: Any March & April 05 mums/moms want to chat?  (Read 109785 times)

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Any March & April 05 mums/moms want to chat?
« Reply #615 on: September 28, 2005, 23:35:11 pm »
well, Jacks 2nd nap of the day was not TOO bad! :)   He slept for 35 min and woke shrieking...did pu/pd 5 times and he was back to sleep again for another 45 min.  Pretty good considering our last couple days!! :shock:  I'm still counting the hours till DH comes home....I had a little miny meltdown on the phone with him today...and he says " don't worry, I'll be home tonight and then you can go to the Bahamas"  I don't think he knows how much I want to take him up on that offer!!!! :D  :D

I hope everyone else is feeling alot more sane then me right now!  Especially Judy!!!!!  or any other twin/multiple moms!!!  I would be in a padded room for sure right now!! :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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« Reply #616 on: September 29, 2005, 00:34:16 am »
Judy, I take my hat off to you, I have a friend who would love to have triplets, so she can get it over with in one shot. I told her it is crazy enough with one, I commend you on your dedication to your children at any time of day, what you go through everyday blows me away.
To everyone else, I am starting to think that our lo's may be insync, Riley's day wasn't too bad, but she wouldn't really go down for an AM nap, she had a couple of good PM naps, and as for bedtime, four feeds for each hour and getting mad cuz her crawling technique needs perfecting, she finally went down 2hrs after her normal bedtime. PLUS she sat on her own today, no support nuthin'.
I simply wanted to say HI to everyone, and hope that everyone got their group hug, whether you post on here or simply watch our chaos.
For all you north american mums don't forget the chat in the lounge in 20 mins.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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« Reply #617 on: September 29, 2005, 00:45:03 am »
Hi Judy,
I am sorry to hear about your sleepless nights..... I just wanted to let you know that that pattern sounds exactly like what Maisie and Makaylee did aprox. 2-3 days before they began cutting thier first teeth... and the same thing happened when Makaylee cut her second. It was unexplained night wakings that were driving me mad... then there were the teeth!

Dont know if that helps???
Maisie Lyn Caroline (angel)
March 19/05 6:16 am
Makaylee Lyn Jennifer (angel)
March 19/05 6:21 am

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« Reply #618 on: September 29, 2005, 01:13:15 am »
karen, traci, and everyone else,
thanks for warning me about weissbluth. i thought he was more an advocate of cc rather than all out cio! oh well i'm sure the book will still be helpful. it's just hard when you think BW doesn't "work" and you feel so helpless!! just watch, tomorrow we'll all have FABULOUS days...

today micah took a 45 min morning nap after 3hrs A time, then when he woke he still looked dazed so i put him down after only an hour. took a 1.75hr nap.  :D !

but he didn't want to go down for his catnap and so i put him down for bed at 6 (4hrs A...oh Lord) and he rolled onto his back. instead of rolling him back i just waited with him. he blew raspberries, played, fussed, raspberries, cried...just put my hand on his chest the whole time, and finally he rolled onto his side and i gave him the paci - he spit it out after a couple mins and knocked out. of course he woke after 45 mins but at least i know he can fall asleep on his side. progress!!

re: growth spurts - not sure if micah's going thru his since he didn't seem extra hungry today. should i still feed him if he wakes often tonight?

i'm so grateful for the community here, at least just to dump and vent so that dh doesn't end up having to hear ALL of it  :wink: thanks for the encouragement. dh is cooking spaghetti tonight so i'm gonna go enjoy my time off. gnite all!!
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05

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« Reply #619 on: September 29, 2005, 01:48:04 am »
one more thing - is it unfair to do pu/pd with these wakings? i don't know if it's teething, growth spurt, tummy ache..??

i really don't want to do pu/pd since micah is so spirited and i'm so weak when it comes to him crying... have any of you moms any success stories?
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05

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« Reply #620 on: September 29, 2005, 02:11:31 am »
selena, i sometimes do pu/pd, but mainly do pat/ssh.
I stay with Riley unitl she is calm, but nothing beats a good hug!
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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« Reply #621 on: September 29, 2005, 08:03:14 am »
Hi everyone, sounds like there's been a few big naps, but some short ones too. We were out most of the day, so any planned naps didn't happen. But after coffee group during a 15 minute drive into town Daniel fell asleep. Much to my surprise, when I took him out of the car and into the buggy(pushchair) he stayed asleep for another 30mins. Yay! Managed to have lunch and a bit of shopping while he stayed asleep.

I tried apple puree (home made) again thismorning and he gobbled it up. I was so pleased, especially as I made it. Obviously he likes my cooking better than the bought stuff that I tried to give him a couple of weeks ago. Then after a b/feed at 12.00 he still took some pumpkin at 12.30pm. About 8 mouthfuls, and I ran out of food before he wanted to stop. Yay!

I've decided to leave him unwrapped at night for a few nights again and see what happens. I figured that as our clocks are moving forward an hour on Saturday night then there's possibly going to be a few disrupted nights getting used to the new bedtime, so I may as well try the unwrapping thing as well and try to get him used to that at the same time. He sleeps fine during the day without it (when he wants to) so I'm sure he can learn to at night aswell.

I've never done the pat/shhh or PUPD so don't really know what to do. Not sure how I'll handle the night wakings if they happen - which I'm sure they will at least one extra time - I've got a music box that I used to use to put him to sleep which I sometimes still play, so I'll use that I guess to begin with.

Well, better go, my parents are here for the next few days, so I guess I better be sociable and talk to them.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Jayri

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« Reply #622 on: September 29, 2005, 12:17:23 pm »
hayley do you have BWSAYP, if you have it, it better expalins the two methods. I mainly use pat/shh with Riley I did try pu/pd but it is kinda hard to do with #1 running around unsupervised while I do it.
If Riley is too unsettled then we pick her up, we try to settle her first, and if not then it is usually a feed that will put her back down.
Ankie and Jo, it was nice to see you on the chat last night, I think I will try it again next week as it is a nice way to meet people on the boards that you wouldn't necessarily talk to, as we all travel on here in different circles.
Well, I am off to bake pilsbury cookies with jayson, we are cheating and using the ready to bake stuff, less mess that way!
Toodles for now girls, hope you day is going or has gone well so far.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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« Reply #623 on: September 29, 2005, 13:56:06 pm »
ummm, forgive my ignorance...but what is the "chat" room and how does it work?  I entered it this morning...but didn't know what to do.  i feel really dumb :cry:

forgot to mention my father called yesterday to invite us to lunch on Sunday at 3:30.  I explained that I would try but with Coles sleeping it would be unlikely.  First, this lunch is for my brother who has been a complete %^$#&** to our family for most of his life.  He asks my parents for $ and when he doesn't get it he doesn't speak to them for months on end.   I guess my dad is trying to patch things up with him by having a lunch so we can all meet his girlfriend.  Second, it's at a pub.  Third, Cole goes to bed at 6 and it's an hour away!  I'd get to spend an hour there.  I tried to explain this to my dad and my dad said "take the train, he could sleep on the train he'd like the motion".  He then said I wouldn't have to worry about driving and could have a few drinks.  Sure dad, I'll get loaded then feed Cole for bedtime  :!:   I really thought my parents "got" it when they were here on Sunday because they had no problem with me putting Cole down while they visited.  My dad is old school, very proud that he never changed a diaper, never did any cleaning I can see why he doesn't understand.

THEN my dad calls back because my mom was upset with him, he forgot to tell me something.  Ladies, my father had an angiogram and has to have triple by-pass.  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  That's bad, right?  My father is still recovering from Whipple (cancer) surgery he had 2 years ago October.  he was in hospital 6 months and has never really regained his strength.  He went in at 245lbs and is now about 165 dripping wet.  I know it's terrible to be mad at him in his condition...but he's also an alcoholic.  When he came out of hospital the doctor said one drink a day.  Why he would even allow that is beyond me.  Anyway, my parents who hadn't drank for the 6 months started drinking again.  It's makes me sad and angry and all sorts of other emotions I can't put into words.  It's like he thinks he's invincible.  I really don't think he can make it through this surgery :cry: well, i'm going to try not to dwell on this until we know when he's going in.  it's still in discussion.

I think Cole is done with the spurt already.  I fed him at 10pm and 2am.  However I heard him on and off from 2:30-3:15 then he cried and I had to help him settle until 4!  I finally let him cry a bit longer because every time I went in and put my hand on him he giggled and reached back for my hand and continued his crawling moves.  I think he just wanted an audience!  finally asleep at 4:00 and then I was wide awake as we had some high winds.  Remembered I left the patio umbrella up and went outside to close it!  I finally drifted off, not sure when and Cole slept until 6:45!  Yay for Cole.  Of course, he's only just woken from a 40 min. nap but that's okay because I've learned to just role with the punches.  He usually has a longer 2nd and catnap anyway.

okay, gotta go, he's fussing a bit...maybe the spurt isn't over afterall
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Any March & April 05 mums/moms want to chat?
« Reply #624 on: September 29, 2005, 14:40:10 pm »
(((((HUGS))))) to you, Traci.  Parents (and sibs) are sometimes more trouble than these kids!  Hope you can decide what to do...I've found when brothers get a serious girlfriend, they tend to straighten out some.  It might be nice to go see everyone for a bit.  Could you suggest meeting somewhere other than a pub?  That would be a good compromise.

I feel horribly guilty this morning.  I left for my 6:00 aerobics class late (I hit snooze!) and forgot to turn up the volume on the monitor so Ryan can wake dh, which he usually doesn't need to do.  (Dh never wakes up with the monitor turned down low...I have that mommy sense and wake up immediately).  When dh got up at 6:45, he heard Ryan really crying hard.  Not sure how long he'd been doing that.   So, I feel like we accidentally let him CIO.   :oops:   He seems to be okay, though a bit cranky this am.   

Hope all is well!

Offline Jayri

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« Reply #625 on: September 29, 2005, 14:47:10 pm »
the chat room is on wednesday nights, there is a link in the lounge for it, it starts at 10pm for me, so whatever timezone you are in, so it would be 9pm eastern time.
They have different ones, one for the uk, one for north america and I think they are getting one going for AAustralia and NZ.
Well just wanted to pop on and let you know about that,
Chat Later dahlings.....
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline micah'smom

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« Reply #626 on: September 29, 2005, 15:23:38 pm »
traci, i hope your day is going better! i agree with kate, little brothers who are otherwise a pain in the #$@  change a lot with a serious relationship. i guess their total social ineptness is forced to change when treating a lady :)

and everything you're going thru with your parents will make you a greater source of strength for your little one, i'm sure. let us know how it goes with the visit!!

everyone else - i'm sure htis has been discussed b4, but how do you post pics on the avatar thingy?? i've tried but it comes out whopping huge.
selena, mom to micah 4/14/05

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« Reply #627 on: September 29, 2005, 15:34:09 pm »
thanks for the hugs and words of support.  And just so you know, my "little" brother is 42 years old and has never had a real job!  Hence my frustration.  He's divorced with two kids and can barely put food on the table for them because he's not willing to do work that is "below" him!

okay, vent over.
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« Reply #628 on: September 29, 2005, 15:50:17 pm »
selena do you have the right dimensions for the pic, go on to your profile, I know it is 120 tall by 100 wide, I think that is it, and it has to be a certain total size, you may have to crop your picture in order to put it up.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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« Reply #629 on: September 29, 2005, 16:01:37 pm »
Traci, so sorry to hear about your father. I hope everything works out alright. Please keep us posted. It is difficult to be upset with family, especially when they're going through something so terrible. So, why do they insist on being so difficult sometimes?!   :lol:

Kate, I know what you mean about the monitor! I turn it down very low at night b/c otherwise, I wake up anytime she moves! But DH won't wake up unless its blaring!! How do they do that!!!???

Well, ladies, Liv is down for a nap (fairly easily, so let's hope it lasts), so I'm off for some Y time.

Have a great day, girls!
Missouri, USA