Hello all. It seems Mothers around the world are wondering what the deal is at 5 months?? I wanted to respond to a few things and also offer a little insight from my night last night.
Sarah O -- just when I thought I had it tough, you have twice the difficulty!! I remember when I felt sorry for myself if I got 6 hours of sleep, now the usual 3-4 lately I'm thinking "not bad, I can get by on that!". I too have been wishing there was a behavior consultant built into postnatal care. Most of these theories, even as simple as NOT nursing to sleep, are not talked about at all in our postnatal care by doctors or health nurses. It's reallly trial and error in a time when we are not connected with people who have spend ages around babies.
Sarah Brown -- In answer to the poop thing, yes, my dd's poop has suddenly gotten much more solid over the last couple of days. Prior to solids, dd was bfo and had gone as long as 8 days without a bm. Since solids, bms were much more frequent and progressively more formed and now they're like big kid poop. So yes, I agree that weaning has produced some new changes and adjustments in the digestive system. And I swore I was never going to be one of THOSE moms who talked about poop!
Mothergloose -- I agree to start a DF as even though right now it doesn't really matter where in the night those feeds are, when it comes time to wean a feed, gradually backing up the df by 30 min at a time will be much easier to adjust to than eliminating a 3am feed. It also starts to set a pattern of what part of the night their tummies should be empty. You mentioned your lo is going to bed at 10pm. I wonder if he is sleeping too much in the day? Maybe a couple of nap hours could be moved to the night? As for resisting bedtime, On the times dd has really resisted nap or bed time, we will unswaddle her to see if she calms. If yes, reswaddle and start again. If no, walk out of the room until calm, then go back in and start again. Basically, keep taking steps until calm then repeat the bedtime process immediately. DD put up a real stink a couple of times then got the message that bedtime was non-negotiable no matter what and hasn't done that since. The couple of times I did take her out to try an activity seemed to set a precedent that she came to know I might eventually cave. And yes, I agree teething may be a possibility as I'm sure we had our first episode last week also. Apparently they can go up and down a lot before breaking through, so this may come and go for quite a while!
Eden's Mom -- you mentioned your lo stays awake and plays at night. Our dd did that too unless I stayed with her and did sh/pat. I was thinking it would be better to get her used to sleeping at that time rather than letting her stay awake and play. I notice that even though she seems happy, the entire routine starts to break down if she has missed sleep at night, the whole cycle of day sleep affecting night sleep, and vice versa. As for the tummy sleep, my MIL has a theory that not only would it help push out gas it helps babies feel cozy and secure as they sort of swaddle themselves as it eliminates flailing. Unfortunately my dd isnt' rolling so I'm leary to try that yet.
Now on to my observations (as I write a small novel -- sorry folks)....
Last night I decided to stay with dd until in deep sleep each time she woke (hence my only 3 hours of sleep!). The first time she woke was 1:37 and I did sh/pat until deep sleep. Then she woke again at 2:48 and I repeated the process except I left after she was sleeping for 5-10 min. She woke up before deep sleep and I had to go back in at about 3:05. This time I stayed until deep sleep and she slept until 6:15 am at which time she was jsut awake for the day cooing and babbling. I should have let her be, but I thought she may sleep a bit more if she was hungry so I fed her. She stayed awake at that point so I think I should have jsut left her until 7am. Anyways, what I noticed was that dd did have gas at night but I think it is only an issue as she lays there awake. If she was relaxed and sleeping I could hear the gas coming out without a problem. When she wakes, she gives an extra squeeze that makes it loud. She's not pulling her knees up like when gas bothers her so I think it's just that she notices the gas when she wakes.
As for addressing the problem. Supporting her into deep sleep seems EXACTLY like when I had to do it for nap times and getting her past that first sleep cycle of 45 min. As she was falling asleep again, she twitched a lot and would partially wake up. With her naps this gradually improved and she no longer does it. I am just going to resign myself to staying with her until deep sleep at waking for a few nights until she can do it herself like she learned with napping. Hopefully that will work.
Anyone else have any thought? Again, sorry for the novel!