Hi ladies,
I'm not sure why I stopped getting messages that new posts were on this thread. I just decided to jump on to update everyone and found all these other messages that I was completely unaware of. I don't get it...hmm?
Anyway, we've been on an extremely rocky road over the past few weeks. Maia got RSV (not sure if I mentioned that earlier) and had a few appointments with her pediatrician. We watched as her weight dropped and dropped. She had been in the 50th percentile for weight and as of her last appointment was down in the 7th. Scary stuff. I know it is all because my milk supply is decreasing rapidly. Anyway, I had to just bite the bullet and stop nursing her so that she would accept a bottle of formula. I cannot explain how heartbreaking it all was to me. After about 30 hours of refusing to eat more than 4 oz of formula, she finally gave in to the bottle. She has now been taking it without hesitation and has gained back much of her lost weight.
I have not reintroduced breastfeeding to her...primarily for fear of her refusing the bottle again and being back at square one. I'm really hopeful that we can at least have one breastfeeding session a day since it seems that I am producing enough for one full feed. Do any of you ladies have advice on how I should go about doing that? Maybe I should post a separate message on the forum?
Anyway, I apologize for not posting the info you guys asked for...but like I said, I had no idea you had posted anything. I'll do my best to re-read the messages and respond asap. We've just moved and between the move, the pregnancy, the illnesses and the weaning...I'm pretty beat. I will be back soon though, I promise.
I hope you guys are all feeling well. Talk to you soon!